
【題組】 ⑵ 假設該公司為規避美元匯率變動風險,評估利用美元選擇權來避險,但又不想支付權利金,試問要如何操作才可達到目的?(12 分)


統計:A(87),B(26),C(8),D(6),E(0) #
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【評論內容】ANS:A/D.     題目後面這個影響作答,請刪除,謝謝!






【評論內容】原本題目:I have a special rule for travel: Never carry a map. I prefer to ask for directions. Sometimes I get lost, but I usually have a good time. And there are some other advantages: I can practice a new language, meet new people, learn new customs, and the like. I can find out about different “styles” of directions every time I ask, “How can I get to the post office?” Here are some illustrations of those differences.Tourists are often confused in Japan. That’s because most streets there don’t have names; outside big cities, people most often use landmarks in their directions. For ex...