
49 卵巢癌的分期手術,不包括下列何者?






【評論內容】這題真的考很細,注意我們staging只用total hysterectomy, 不用 radical hysterectomy。Total extrafascial hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection, and infracolic or infragastric omentectomy is the standard staging procedure for ovarian, fallopian tubal, and peritoneal carcinoma. Peritoneal cytology is collected after the incision is made. Staging also includes assessment of upper abdomen, peritoneal surfaces and large and small bowel mesentery with possible biopsies, and cytology of the diaphragm. Appendectomy may be indicated...



【評論內容】這題真的考很細,注意我們staging只用total hysterectomy, 不用 radical hysterectomy。Total extrafascial hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection, and infracolic or infragastric omentectomy is the standard staging procedure for ovarian, fallopian tubal, and peritoneal carcinoma. Peritoneal cytology is collected after the incision is made. Staging also includes assessment of upper abdomen, peritoneal surfaces and large and small bowel mesentery with possible biopsies, and cytology of the diaphragm. Appendectomy may be indicated...