
(E)閱讀測驗 (10%) (a)There is a new chocolate to help you look young. It seems too good to be true, but Cambridge University has made ananti-aging chocolate to keep away wrinkles and help the skin look younger. It's called “Esthechoc”, from the words“esthetic” (meaning great beauty) and “chocolate”. No one knows the price yet, but it seems to be expensive. Young andrich businessmen are hoped to buy it.  The chocolate can make the skin of a 50 to 60-year-old person look like a 20 to 30-year-old. Changes can be seen inpeople’s skin within just three weeks. The chocolate will only be sold in boxes of 21 bars—one bar a day for three weeks.However, some scientists think more research is needed for people to know whether Esthechoc really works. 《adapted from Breaking News on Feb. 24th, 2015》

【題組】1. What seems too good to be true?
(A) Cambridge University.
(B) An anti-aging chocolate.
(C) Scientists.
(D) The truth.

