
53.美莉產檢時超音波發現,此雙胞胎有兩個羊膜腔,但共用一個胎盤,會有發生雙胞胎間輸血症候群(twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome)的風險,關於雙胞胎間輸血症候群(TTTS),下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)TTTS發生原因目前認為和共用胎盤,且兩個胎兒間的血管相通(vascular anastomosis)造成血流不平衡有關
(C)donor的血液供給recipient,造成donor的血液容積下降,胎兒腎臟灌流(renalperfusion)下降,所以尿量變少,會使羊水過少(oligohydramnios),嚴重時超音波下donor膀胱會看不到,且常被推擠至一角落(stuck twin)






【評論內容】 It is the combination of oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios in a MC twin pair seen by ultrasound that indicates the diagnosis of TTTS.----------------------------------------------------------------------WIKI Quintero StagesA staging system is commonly used to classify the severity of TTTS.[3]Stage I: A small amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) is found around the donor twin and a large amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) is found around the recipient twin.Stage II: In addition to the description above, the ultrasound is not able to identify the bladder in the donor twin.Stage ...



【評論內容】 It is the combination of oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios in a MC twin pair seen by ultrasound that indicates the diagnosis of TTTS.----------------------------------------------------------------------WIKI Quintero StagesA staging system is commonly used to classify the severity of TTTS.[3]Stage I: A small amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) is found around the donor twin and a large amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) is found around the recipient twin.Stage II: In addition to the description above, the ultrasound is not able to identify the bladder in the donor twin.Stage ...