
        Experts say that creativity by definition means going against the tradition and breaking the rules. To be creative, you must dare __(16)__, and courageously express your own outlook and __(17)__ what makes you unique.        But does our society encourage children to break the rules? I’m afraid the answer is no. The famous film director Ang Lee recalls his father’s disappointment with him when he was young. __(18)__ a small child, he would pick up a broom and pretend to be playing guitar for the entertainment of family guests. Then, when he was studying film in college, he would exhaust himself just for a performance tour. His father, __(19)__ always hoped that he would get a PhD and become a professor, __(20)__ with a scoff: “What is all this nonsense?!” But it later turned out that it was exactly his courage to “rebel” and to express his own ideas that marks his films with distinct creativity. 
(A) rebel
(B) to rebel
(C) rebelling
(D) be rebelled






【評論內容】專家認為創造力的定義是反傳統及打破規則。要有創意,你必須有膽量去16. 反抗、勇於表達自己的看法,並以個人特點17.為傲。但我們的社會鼓勵孩子們打破規範嗎?恐怕答案是否定的。著名電影導演李安回憶起他年輕時父親對他的失望。18.孩提時,他會拿起掃把裝成彈吉他的模樣來娛樂家裡的客人。後來,他在大學唸電影時,會為了巡迴演出把自己搞得精疲力竭。他父親19.總是希望他能拿到博士學位去當教授,對此他嘲笑地20.回應:「搞什麼玩意兒?」但是後來證明就是他有勇氣去「反抗」並且表達自己的意見,使得他的電影有獨特的創意。