
(D)  Since the first day that man began to study numbers, some numbers have been thought to be lucky, while others have been thought unlucky. Let's take a look at some usually known lucky and unlucky numbers to see why they are loved or hated. 666 is an interesting number. It represents very bad luck in some western countries but very good luck in many Asian countries. For example, there used to be US Highway 666 in New Mexico, but in 2003 it was changed to US Highway 491because officials were afraid that the number would scare tourists away. But in Asia, people love "666" because it sounds like "things going smoothly ".  The number 4 means bad luck in Asia. For example, the number 4 and the word for death sound similar. Because of this, "4" has been thought bad luck in Taiwan.  Some people believe that Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day. American and Canadian buildings omit the thirteenth floor in their floor. Paris Terror Attacks happened on Friday, November 13rd , which is thought to be an unlucky day. The number 8 is thought to be an very lucky number for Taiwanese. A report said that the license plate AMG-8888 was sold for over $3,800,000 in Taiwan in 2014! ★ represent 代表 ★ smoothly 順利地 ★ Asia 亞洲★ omit 省略;刪除 ★ license plate 車牌
【題組】8. ( )666 is an unlucky number in ________.

