
Barry Kroll, a Chicago lawyer, took an interest in Danny Escobedo’s case. Kroll felt that his client’s rights under the Constitution had been __(1)__. Since the __(2)__ accomplice, Escobedo, had been denied access to an attorney, Kroll asked the courts to __(3)__ the conviction. He proposed that lawyers be __(4)__ to sit in when the police question a suspect, but the Illinois courts rejected that on the grounds that itwould effectively __(5)__ all questioning by legal authorities. If such a law were upheld, the police felt that it would play havoc with all criminal investigations.






【評論內容】Barry Kroll, a Chicago lawyer, took an interest in Danny Escobedo’s case. Kroll felt that his client’s rights under the Constitution had been __(1)__. 芝加哥律師巴里·克羅爾對丹尼·埃斯科貝多的案子很感興趣。克羅爾認為他的委託人根據憲法享有的權利是 __(1)__。(A) entitled 有權



【評論內容】在憲法的保障下,克羅爾感覺他的顧客的權利已被剝奪。(A) entitled 有權



【評論內容】Barry Kroll, a Chicago lawyer, took an interest in Danny Escobedo’s case. Kroll felt that his client’s rights under the Constitution had been __(1)__. 芝加哥律師巴里·克羅爾對丹尼·埃斯科貝多的案子很感興趣。克羅爾認為他的委託人根據憲法享有的權利是 __(1)__。(A) entitled 有權



【評論內容】在憲法的保障下,克羅爾感覺他的顧客的權利已被剝奪。(A) entitled 有權