
19 In ancient times, people thought the universe was__________ rather than heliocentric; that is, the earth wasthe center of the universe.
(A) egocentric
(B) unilateral
(C) bilateral
(D) geocentric






【評論內容】19 In ancient times, people thought the universe was__________ rather than heliocentric; that is, the earth was the center of the universe.古時候人們認為宇宙是以地球為中心的,亦即地球是中心主宰。heliocentric a.以太陽為中心的,日心的This was finally the first observable evidence of a heliocentric universe.這是第一個可觀測到的日心宇宙的證據。(A) egocentric a.自我中心的;自私自利的Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.嬰兒都是完全以自我爲中心的,他們只關心下次甚麽時候餵他們。(B) unilateral a.單邊的;單方的The party leader has actually declared her support for unilateral nuclear disarmament (= giving up her country's nuclear weapons without first waiting for other countries to do the same).該黨領導人實際上已經宣佈了她支援單方面核裁軍的決定。(C) bilateral a.雙邊的,雙方的France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.法國和德國已經簽署了一項雙邊協定,以防止毒品走私。lateral a.側面的;橫向運動的(D) geocentric a.以地球為中心的