【評論主題】119.One industry that has been greatly affected by globalization _____ tourism, with more people tra


One industry that has been greatly affected by globalization __is___ tourism, with more people traveling internationally than ever before.其中一項深受全球化影響的產業是旅遊業,相較於以往有更多民眾出國旅遊。(A) seem to be 可能為(B) is regarded as 被認為是(C) are considered 被認為(D) is 其中一個globalization n.全球化/傳播,流傳,趨同化We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.我們一定要好好利用商品貿易日益全球化這一時機。industry n.工業;產業;生產製造The strike seriously reduced coal deliveries to industry.罷工使得向工業輸送的煤炭量大幅下降。

【評論主題】118._____ the office cleaning services are performed regularly, the workspace can quickly become clu


___Unless__ the office cleaning services are performed regularly, the workspace can quickly become cluttered and unsanitary.除非辦公室有固定的執行清潔,否則工作區域很容易變得凌亂而不乾淨。(A) Without 沒有(B) Unless 除非(C) Regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧(D) Though 雖然

以下摘自voicetubeunless是從屬連接詞,是用來引導後面的副詞子句,而副詞子句被用來修飾主要子句,相對於前面的主要子句,具有從屬關係,所以unless後的副詞子句無法單獨成句,一定要和主要子句一起出現。e.g.Unless you finish the homework, Mother won’t let you play computer games. 除非你寫完作業,不然媽媽不會讓你玩電腦。→主要子句:Mother won’t let you play computer games 可單獨存在→副詞子句:Unless you finish the homework 不可獨立成句注意!!主要子句不需要加上”or”,避免一個句子同時出現兩個連接詞。→ Unless Andy makes lots of money, or Mary won’t marry him. (X)

performe v.做,進行;施行/n.演出,表演Computers can perform a variety of tasks.電腦能執行多項工作。cluttered a.凌亂的;塞滿東西的The floor is cluttered with hoses, tools and buckets.地板上雜亂地擺放著軟管、工具和水桶。unsanitary a.不衛生的;不乾淨的

【評論主題】117.According to the latest report, the company's workforce _____ significantly over the past y


117. According to the latest report, the company's workforce __has risen___ significantly over the past year.根據最新的報告,公司的勞動人口相較於去年顯著提升。(A) have risen(B) has risen(C) have arisen(D) has arisenworkforce是不可屬名詞,用單數has/提升用rise/現在完成式rise v. /n. 升起、上升、增加 (動詞三態:rise → rose → risen)Inflation is rising at/by 2.1 percent a month.通貨膨脹一個月增長2.1%。arise v. 出現、起身、起源於(動詞三態:arise → arose → arisen)Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China.要是有機會的話,我很想去中國。兩個比較:(from voicetube)rise 可以當名詞和動詞使用,記得有「上升、增加」之意;arise 則是常用在表示「(抽象事物)出現」以及「起源於、起因於」,慣用片語 arise from 或是 arise out of 來表達。workforce n.勞動力;工人;勞動人口The majority of factories in the region have a workforce of 50 to 100 (people).該地大多數工廠都擁有50至100名工人。significantly adv.顯著地;相當數量地My piano playing has improved significantly since I started with a new teacher.自從換了一位新老師,我的鋼琴水準有了明顯提升。

【評論主題】21 對於中共的武警部隊以下敘述何者為非?(A)全名是中國人民武裝警察部隊(B)最高領導者是司令員,官階為上將(C)隸屬於公安部與中共中央政法委員會書記(D)負責處理突發社會安全事件、防範恐怖攻擊與海

【評論內容】對於中共的武警部隊以下敘述何者為非?(A) 全名是中國人民武裝警察部隊(B) 最高領導者是司令員,官階為上將(C) 隸屬於公安部與中共中央政法委員會書記(D) 負責處理突發社會安全事件、防範恐怖攻擊與海上執法等中國人民武裝警察部隊(英語:Chinese People's Armed Police Force,縮寫:PAP),簡稱為武警部隊、中國武警,成立於1982年6月19日,是中華人民共和國國家武裝力量的組成部分之一,由中央軍事委員會通過武警總部領導,擔負國家賦予的維護國家政治安全和社會穩定、海上維權執法、防衛作戰等任務。

【評論主題】22 有關習近平的意識型態敘述,何者為非?(A)全名是「習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想」(B)與「江澤民三個代表」、「胡錦濤科學發展觀」一樣都在意識型態前冠上姓名(C)在 2017 年列入中共黨章,

【評論內容】習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想,習近平本人稱為「新時代中國特色社會主義思想」,民間稱為「習近平思想」(英語:Xi Jinping Thought),是習近平自2012年11月中共十八屆一中全會當選中共中央總書記,成為最高領導人上台執政後形成中國共產黨指導思想。2017年10月24日,中國共產黨第十九次全國代表大會通過了關於《中國共產黨章程(修正案)》決議,習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想寫入黨章。從此,習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想成為繼毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論之後第三個以領導人名字命名中共指導思想,這意味著習近平地位高於之前兩任黨總書記江澤民、胡錦濤,習近平在意識形態上絕對權威得以樹立。習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想所...

【評論主題】23 「香港特別行政區維護國家安全法」在 2020 年 6 月通過,請問是那一個單位通過的?(A)香港立法會 (B)中共全國人民代表大會常務委員會(C)香港區議會 (D)中共全國人民代表大會

【評論內容】《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》,簡稱香港國安法、港區國安法或港版國安法,是中華人民共和國法律,於2020年6月30日由全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過,同日以全國性法律形式納入《香港特別行政區基本法》附件三中,在香港特別行政區公布實施。「香港特別行政區維護國家安全法」在 2020 年 6 月通過,請問是那一個單位通過的?(A) 香港立法會(B) 中共全國人民代表大會常務委員會(C) 香港區議會(D) 中共全國人民代表大會

【評論主題】19 依憲法訴訟法規定,關於機關爭議案件,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)限於國家最高機關間之憲法上權限爭議事項(B)須經爭議之機關協商未果(C)於爭議存續期間內,任一方均得提出聲請 (D)憲法法庭應於判決主

【評論內容】第 65 條國家最高機關,因行使職權,與其他國家最高機關發生憲法上權限之爭議,經爭議之機關協商未果者,得聲請憲法法庭為機關爭議之判決。前項聲請,應於爭議機關協商未果之日起六個月之不變期間內為之。第一項爭議機關協商未果之事實,聲請機關應釋明之。第 67 條本章案件,憲法法庭應於判決主文確認相關機關之權限;亦得視案件情形,另於主文為其他適當之諭知。依憲法訴訟法規定,關於機關爭議案件,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A) 限於國家最高機關間之憲法上權限爭議事項 正確(B) 須經爭議之機關協商未果 正確(C) 於爭議存續期間內,任一方均得提出聲請(D) 憲法法庭應於判決主文確認相關機關之權限 正確

【評論主題】35 Mountain-climbing is an opportunity to participate in a very individual_______which pits the clim


35 Mountain-climb☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】32 She has been_______with making money because she grew up in poverty.(A) converted (B) obsessed (C

【評論內容】32 She has been _______ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】34 It is fun for me to recruit new people, but letting workers go is the_______enjoyable part of wha


34 It is fun for ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】31 To avoid diagnostic errors, breast imaging subspecialists and general radiologists who _______ br


31 To avoid diagn☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】23 「香港特別行政區維護國家安全法」在 2020 年 6 月通過,請問是那一個單位通過的?(A)香港立法會 (B)中共全國人民代表大會常務委員會(C)香港區議會 (D)中共全國人民代表大會

【評論內容】《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》,簡稱香港國安法、港區國安法或港版國安法,是中華人民共和國法律,於2020年6月30日由全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過,同日以全國性法律形式納入《香港特別行政區基本法》附件三中,在香港特別行政區公布實施。「香港特別行政區維護國家安全法」在 2020 年 6 月通過,請問是那一個單位通過的?(A) 香港立法會(B) 中共全國人民代表大會常務委員會(C) 香港區議會(D) 中共全國人民代表大會

【評論主題】22 有關習近平的意識型態敘述,何者為非?(A)全名是「習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想」(B)與「江澤民三個代表」、「胡錦濤科學發展觀」一樣都在意識型態前冠上姓名(C)在 2017 年列入中共黨章,

【評論內容】習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想,習近平本人稱為「新時代中國特色社會主義思想」,民間稱為「習近平思想」(英語:Xi Jinping Thought),是習近平自2012年11月中共十八屆一中全會當選中共中央總書記,成為最高領導人上台執政後形成中國共產黨指導思想。2017年10月24日,中國共產黨第十九次全國代表大會通過了關於《中國共產黨章程(修正案)》決議,習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想寫入黨章。從此,習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想成為繼毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論之後第三個以領導人名字命名中共指導思想,這意味著習近平地位高於之前兩任黨總書記江澤民、胡錦濤,習近平在意識形態上絕對權威得以樹立。習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想所...

【評論主題】21 對於中共的武警部隊以下敘述何者為非?(A)全名是中國人民武裝警察部隊(B)最高領導者是司令員,官階為上將(C)隸屬於公安部與中共中央政法委員會書記(D)負責處理突發社會安全事件、防範恐怖攻擊與海

【評論內容】對於中共的武警部隊以下敘述何者為非?(A) 全名是中國人民武裝警察部隊(B) 最高領導者是司令員,官階為上將(C) 隸屬於公安部與中共中央政法委員會書記(D) 負責處理突發社會安全事件、防範恐怖攻擊與海上執法等中國人民武裝警察部隊(英語:Chinese People's Armed Police Force,縮寫:PAP),簡稱為武警部隊、中國武警,成立於1982年6月19日,是中華人民共和國國家武裝力量的組成部分之一,由中央軍事委員會通過武警總部領導,擔負國家賦予的維護國家政治安全和社會穩定、海上維權執法、防衛作戰等任務。

【評論主題】19 依憲法訴訟法規定,關於機關爭議案件,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)限於國家最高機關間之憲法上權限爭議事項(B)須經爭議之機關協商未果(C)於爭議存續期間內,任一方均得提出聲請 (D)憲法法庭應於判決主

【評論內容】第 65 條國家最高機關,因行使職權,與其他國家最高機關發生憲法上權限之爭議,經爭議之機關協商未果者,得聲請憲法法庭為機關爭議之判決。前項聲請,應於爭議機關協商未果之日起六個月之不變期間內為之。第一項爭議機關協商未果之事實,聲請機關應釋明之。第 67 條本章案件,憲法法庭應於判決主文確認相關機關之權限;亦得視案件情形,另於主文為其他適當之諭知。依憲法訴訟法規定,關於機關爭議案件,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A) 限於國家最高機關間之憲法上權限爭議事項 正確(B) 須經爭議之機關協商未果 正確(C) 於爭議存續期間內,任一方均得提出聲請(D) 憲法法庭應於判決主文確認相關機關之權限 正確

【評論主題】35 Mountain-climbing is an opportunity to participate in a very individual_______which pits the clim


35 Mountain-climb☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】32 She has been_______with making money because she grew up in poverty.(A) converted (B) obsessed (C

【評論內容】32 She has been _______ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】34 It is fun for me to recruit new people, but letting workers go is the_______enjoyable part of wha


34 It is fun for ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】31 To avoid diagnostic errors, breast imaging subspecialists and general radiologists who _______ br


31 To avoid diagn☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】3 An illegally parked vehicle________the normal flow of traffic for two hours this morning.(A) flour

【評論內容】3 An illegally parked vehicle ________ the normal flow of traffic for two hours this morning.今天早上一輛違停的汽車阻塞了正常流動的交通長達兩小時。illegally adv. 不法地(A) flourished v. (為引人注意)揮舞;用力揮動 ; 誇示 ; 華麗 ; 裝飾樂句 ; 繁榮 ; 揮動 ; 誇耀 ; 茂盛 ; 奏得華麗 ; 繁盛 ; 興盛 ; 昌 ; 興 ; 薈;健壯有力;興旺(B) obstructed v. 妨礙;干擾;阻塞;阻撓(C) validated adj. 有驗證的/v. 驗證(D) promoted v. 推進(過去式);升職(過去式)/adj. 提拔

【評論主題】【題組】22 (A) while (B) because (C) if (D) whether

【評論內容】Recently economists looked at the relationship between pupils’ month of birth and their school performance. It was found that among fourth graders, the oldest children scored on math and reading somewhere between four and twelve percentile points better than the youngest children. That can be explained as a “huge effect.” It means that if you take two intellectually    21      fourth graders with birthday sat opposite ends of the cut off date, the older student could score in the eightieth percentile,    22    the younger one could score in the sixty-eighth percentile. 如果你使兩...

【評論主題】【題組】25 (A) piled up (B) turned off (C) evened out (D) fallen apart

【評論內容】Denmark waits to make selection decisions until maturity differences by age have      25   . This is because they have a national policy where they have no ability grouping until the age of ten.25丹麥會等到孩童隨著年齡增長成熟度差異已均衡才做分類。(A) piled up 把…堆積(或堆疊)起來We piled plenty of logs up next to the fire.我們在爐火旁堆了很多木柴。(B) turned off 拐彎;轉入另一條路Turn off the motorway at the next exit.在下一個出口出高速公路。(C) evened out 【even (sth) out】使平;(使)均等,拉平The league is divided into two skill levels in order to even out the competition.聯盟按能力...

【評論主題】1 A maniac interest in national identity has often ________ into destructive chauvinism, which is an


1 A maniac interest in national identity has often ________ into destructive chauvinism, which is an unfortunate fact of modern politics.一個有狂亂的國族認同常常伴隨著退步的的沙文主義,對於現代政治來說是不幸的事實。maniac n. 狂亂 ; 發狂 ; 瘋狂interest n. 利益;興趣;利息/v. 使感興趣 興趣 ; 愛好 ;使參與identity n. 身分 ; 身份chauvinism n. 大男子主義 ; 沙文主義politics n. 政治職業;政治學;政治觀點;政治活動(A) penetrated v. 已貫穿 ; 已穿透 ; 已滲透;進入;打入;進入;滲入;洞察,了解(B) divided v. 除以;分類/adj. 分為(C) invaded v. 入侵(D) degenerated v. 墮落

【評論主題】25__________ are usually good at speeches to stir up the emotions of crowds to achieve selfish ends.


25__________ are usually good at speeches to stir up the emotions of crowds to achieve selfish ends.政客在演講時通常很擅長激起群眾的情緒以達成自己的自私利益。stir sth up 激起(不快的情感);挑起,煽動(事端)/捲起,攪起,揚起(泥土、塵土等)The photographs stirred up some painful memories.照片勾起了一些痛苦的回憶。The helicopter stirred up clouds of dust.直升機揚起了陣陣塵土。(A) Detectives n.偵探(B) Monoglots a. 只熟悉一種語言的. n. 只熟悉一種語言的人(C) Demagogues n.蠱惑民心的政客/煽動家(D) Misanthropes n.厭惡人類者;遁世者

【評論主題】15 Research has shown that patients who listen to music would need fewer medications, stay less_____


15 Research has shown that patients who listen to music would need fewer medications, stay less__________ , and be more cooperative with their caregivers.研究顯示讓病人聽音樂能夠減少用藥、保持平靜及更能與護理人員合作。medication n.藥物,藥劑caregiver n.看護者,護理員(A) agitated a.焦躁不安的,惱怒的There was a long delay, and people became increasingly agitated as they waited for the train.火車延誤了很久,讓乘客越等越心焦。(B) lucid a.清晰的,明瞭的;(人)頭腦清醒的,說話清楚的She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.她清楚明瞭地講述了自己對公司未來的規劃。(C) elated a.興高采烈的;喜氣洋洋的;歡欣鼓舞的The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his daughter.據報道,王子喜得千金。(D) tranquil a.安靜的,平靜的;安寧的A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features.一陣疼痛掠過他那平時平靜的臉龐。

【評論主題】20 Brazil is a “melting pot” of many ethnic groups that immigrated there and mixed with the_________

【評論內容】20 Brazil is a “melting pot” of many ethnic groups that immigrated there and mixed with the__________ people.巴西是個種族的大熔爐,許多民族移民至此與當地居民結合。ethnic a.民族的;種族的A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.人口普查包括一個有關種族來源的問題。(A) expatriate n.(旅居國外的)僑民/v.(強行或依法)把…逐出本國,使移居國外The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.新的領導人把統治家族驅逐出境。(B) foreign a.外國的His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel.他的工作給他提供了很多出國旅行的機會。(C) indigenous a.當地的;本土的,土生土長的Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?這個地區是否有本地品種的青蛙?(D) innate a.天生的,固有的Cyril's most impressive quality was his innate goodness.西裡爾給人印象最深的品質是他天生的善良。

【評論主題】16 The lotion is designed to protect and __________ even the most sensitive skin after sunburns.(A)

【評論內容】16 The lotion is designed to protect and __________ even the most sensitive skin after sunburns.此款乳液提供保護及舒緩功能,即使是最敏感的皮膚經過曬傷也有效果。(A) soothe v.使平靜,安慰/減輕,緩解(疼痛)I had a long, hot bath to soothe my aching muscles.我洗了個熱水澡,泡了很長時間以紓緩肌肉的疼痛。(B) render v.使成為;使變得;使處於某種狀態/翻譯;把…譯成/給予,提供;表達;表演New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.新技術發展太快,我的舊電腦已經過時了。We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.我們看到鐵路貨運公司在提供優質服務的同時也贏得了豐厚的利潤。(C) convict v.(在法庭上)宣判…有罪,證明…有罪/n.已決犯,既決犯;(服刑中的)囚犯He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson.他兩次被判犯有搶劫罪/縱火罪。(D) adhere v.黏附;附著A smooth, dry surface helps the tiles adhere to the wall.平滑、乾燥的牆面有助於瓷磚黏在牆上。

【評論主題】11 Socrates developed the Socratic Method to instruct his students to conduct critical and independe


11 Socrates developed the Socratic Method to instruct his students to conduct critical and independent judgement so as to__________ the inconsistencies of Greek politics.蘇格發底發展出蘇格拉底反詰法以建構其學生實行批判及獨立思考的辯論,以便能揭露希臘政治中不一致的思想、說法或論點。so as to 為了;以便inconsistencie n.(思想、說法或論點的)不一致;不一致的思想、說法或論點There is some inconsistency between the theory and the practice.理論與實踐之間存在一定的矛盾。(A) expose v.暴露;露出;使曝光/揭露,揭發,揭穿壞事(或不誠實之事)The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.這篇評論文章揭露了警界盛行的腐敗現象。(B) conceal v.隱藏;隱匿;隱瞞;隱蔽It was said that the police concealed vital evidence.據說警方隱瞞了關鍵的證據。(C) enhance v.提高;增加;增強;增進These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.這些醜聞並不會提高這個組織的聲譽。(D) concede v.(常指不情願地)承認/認輸;承認(失敗)/(不情願地)讓步,答應給,讓與The government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.政府承認新的稅收政策是徹底失敗的。ced, ceed, cess = go , yield 走,退讓 參考wordup 字根字首 、網站 

concede加強語氣+讓步「讓步」、「讓與」concede v.讓步、讓與concession n.讓步、讓與;減價票deceased 開+走「走開的」,引申為「死去的了」deceased a.死去的exceed 外面+走走到外面跨越界線,引申為「超過」exceed v.超過excessive a.過分的、過度的precede 前面+走「走在前面」,引申為「先於」precede v.先於precedent n.前例、先例proceed 往前+走「往前走」,引申為「繼續做」、「前進」proceed v.繼續做、前進proceeding n.活動process n.過程、處理procession n.列隊行進、行列;遊行recede 往後+走「往後走」,引申為「消退」recede v.消退recess n.壁櫥;休會期;課間休息recession n.經濟衰退recessive a.退後的、隱性的secede 分開+走走開,引申為「退出」、「脫離」secede v.退出、脫離secession n.退出、脫離

【評論主題】20 Rain over the past few weeks has eased drought conditions, but a lot more is needed to________wat

【評論內容】20 Rain over the past few weeks has eased drought conditions, but a lot more is needed to ________ water supplies.幾週以來的雨有舒緩了乾旱的情形,但是仍更需要再補足水分的供給。(A) replenish v. 再灌滿 ; 再補足 ; 重新補充 ; 補充 ; 添補 ; 續(B) replicate v. 複製;折疊 ; 折轉 ; 複製 ; 八音階間隔的反復高低音 ; 折轉的 ; 彎回的(C) retaliate v. 報復 ; 報仇 ; 回敬 ; 以牙還牙 ; 徵收報復性關稅(D) restrain v. 抑制:制止

【評論主題】19 During the mating season, male great bustards develop a________change in color on their necks, fr

【評論內容】19 During the mating season, male great bustards develop a ________ change in color on their necks, from the usual plain grey to a two-tone pattern of white and brown.在繁殖季節期間,雄的大鴇在頸部發展出一種顯眼的顏色改變,從一般大地灰變成有兩種白及棕色色調的圖騰。bustards noun pl. 大鴇(A) suspicious adj. 可疑;懷疑的 :猜疑的(B) conspicuous adj. 顯著的 ; 顯眼的 ; 大發光芒的 ; 出眾的 ; 明顯的 ; 顯 ; 顯目(C) protruding v. 推出;擠出;伸出;突出;露出(D) secreting v. 隱藏;隱匿;分泌

【評論主題】18 Without a________of hesitation, I immediately signed the paper to purchase our family home which

【評論內容】18 Without a ________ of hesitation, I immediately signed the paper to purchase our family home which was located in a safe and convenient neighborhood.沒有一絲遲疑,我馬上簽下買進位於安全及便利社區住家的簽約。(A) sticker n. 尖刀;貼紙;難題;(植物)莖尖,葉尖(B) flicker v. 搖曳 ;(燈光)閃爍/n. 閃爍的燈光(C) phase n. 月相;階段;階段/v. 使分階段進行;使按計劃進行(D) burden v. 負荷 ; 艱難 ; 裝載量 ; 使負重擔 ; 包袱 ; 負重擔 ; 擔/n. 負擔

【評論主題】17 The company has launched a new automotive battery monitor and balancer to________the challenges o


17 The company has launched a new automotive battery monitor and balancer to ________ the challenges of filtering system-level noise to accurately measure battery-cell voltage and temperature.這間公司推出了新的汽車電池遙控及平衡器,改善了過濾系統升級噪音困難以準確地測量電池電壓及溫度。launched v. 推出,發起;使(火箭)升空;首次將船隻下水automotive adj. 汽車的filtering v. 過濾;過濾中voltage n. 電壓(A) affirm v. 斷言 ; 確定 ; 肯定 ; 斷定 ; 確認 ; 證言 ; 證實;斷言 ; 確定 ; 肯定 ; 斷定 ; 確認 ; 證言 (B) alienate v. 邊緣化;離間;疏遠(C) address n. 地址;演說;致詞/v. 在...上寫收件人姓名地址;發表講話;發表演說;探討(D)aggregate n./v. 聚集 ; 合計 ; 總計 ; 集合的 ; 總計的 ; 集成 ; 集團 ; 總數 ; 集合address (vt) 1.面對。 Most politicians were failing to address the challenges posed by their aging populations. 大部分政治人物都無法面對人口老化帶來的挑戰。2.改善。 They are beginning to recognize that the situation must be addressed. 他們開始認知這個情況必須改善。3.顧到。 We wonder if safety was sufficiently addressed. 我們不知道安全問題是否完全顧到。4.回答。 These two questions need to be addressed. 這兩個問題必須回答。5.回應。 Some of the students’ demands have been addressed. 學生的訴求有些已經得到回應。He refused to address that particular accusation. 他拒絕回應那項指控。6.解決。 to address the issue of unemployment. 解決失業問題。7.治 。 to address the cause, not the symptom. 治本,不要治標。8.找出。 Nor do they seem willing to address the true causes of the malaise. 他們似乎也不想找出這個病灶的真正原因。9.受理。 They still believe their complaints will be addressed. 他們仍然相信他們的陳情會被受理。10.提及。 He addresses the team’s shaky status and his own feelings. 他提及球隊不穩的狀況以及他自己的感受。11.向…致意。She addressed the crowd and expressed her disappointment.她向觀眾致意,表達她的失望。12.碰觸。But that’s a hot-button issue few are as yet willing to address.但那是一個很少人願意碰觸的棘手問題。13.致。He did address his efforts last year to pass legislation that would have loosened immigration laws.去年他確實致力於通過將移民法鬆綁的法案14.稱呼。 They sometimes address the issue one another by their most recent tennis rankings. 他們有時候用他們最近的網球排名互相稱呼。15.說明。 Your article didn’t address why advisers say hourly workers should take cuts in pay and benefits when the automaker frequently touts the quality of its products. 你的文章沒有說明何以當汽車製造廠商屢屢讚美其產品的品質時,專家卻說計時工的待遇和福利應該減少。16 肅。to address graft 肅貪。資料來源   高階英漢翻譯辭典 

【評論主題】16 When travelling, tourists should stay________in big cities and keep themselves protected from cri

【評論內容】16 When travelling, tourists should stay ________ in big cities and keep themselves protected from crime.在大城市旅行時遊客需要保持警醒並且保護自己。(A) irrelevant adj. 無關的 ; 不著邊際(B) outrageous adj. 粗暴的;極其無禮的;可惡的;震怒的;暴亂的(C) clinical adj. 臨床的 ; 臨床;臨床(D) vigilant adj. 警醒的 ; 警惕

【評論主題】15 In order to pass the bar exam, Jeff has to work________for the next coming year.(A) assiduously (

【評論內容】15 In order to pass the bar exam, Jeff has to work ________ for the next coming year.為了通過律師考試,Jeff 在來年必須勤勉地工作。bar n. 棒狀;條狀;根狀;大律師;小節;酒吧;窗閂/v. 防止;關閉(道路)(A) assiduously adv. 勤勉地 ; 懇切地(B) agnostically adv.不可知論地(對神存在與否不能肯定或認為不可知)(C) aesthetically adv. 審美上 ; 美學上(D) astronomically adv. 天文學上

【評論主題】14 Michael was so arrogant and self-centered that, whenever things went wrong, his________response w

【評論內容】14 Michael was so arrogant and self-centered that, whenever things went wrong, his ________ response was to blame others.Michael是如此自大與傲慢,當有事情出錯時,他一如往常的反應是責怪他人。arrogant adj. 自大的 ; 傲慢的self-centered 專心致志的事(A) deficient adj. 缺乏 ; 不充分的 ; 有缺陷的 ; 智慧不夠的 ; 癡呆的 ; 缺乏的 ; 短少 ; 欠 ; 歉(B) invariable adj. 不變化的 :常數的(C) reluctant adj. 不情願的 :嫌惡的:勉強的(D) feeble adj. 無力的 ; 微弱的 ; 輕微的 ; 朦朧的 ; 虛弱的 ; 衰弱的

【評論主題】13 Carpet weaving has been an important traditional________created by villagers since the early days


13 Carpet weaving has been an important traditional ________ created by villagers since the early days of the country’s history.從古代歷史開始,地毯編織就已經是鄉下人創造的一種重要而傳統的手工藝。carpet n. 絨氈 ; 一片 ; 鋪地毯 ; 地毯/v. 地毯weaving v. 編織(衣物);(把想法等)編入;使迂迴行進villagers noun pl. 鄉下人(A) handiness n. 手妙 ; 敏捷(B) handicap n. 阻礙;殘疾;設限;讓步賽/v. 使不利;跛足 ; 妨礙(C) handicraft n. 手工藝(D) handwriting n. 筆跡

【評論主題】12 This newly renovated brownstone building preserves ancient________and national historic treasures

【評論內容】12 This newly renovated brownstone building preserves ancient ________ and national historic treasures.此件新修復的赤褐色砂石建築保存有古代文物及國家級歷史寶藏。renovated v. 修復brownstone 赤褐色砂石;赤褐色砂石preserves noun pl. 保護區;果醬/v. 保存(食物);維護;保存;果醬;蜜餞(A) relics n. (pl.) 文物(B) gorges v. 狼吞虎嚥;塞飽(C) shams noun pl. 假裝/v. 沙姆斯(D) bluffs v. 虛張聲勢/noun pl. 絕壁的 ; 直率的 ; 斷崖 ; 虛張聲勢的人 ; 佯作有好牌以騙對方 ; 虛張聲勢

【評論主題】11 A number of________actions that can be taken to combat climate change and global warming are bein

【評論內容】11 A number of ________ actions that can be taken to combat climate change and global warming are being discussed in the forum.在一場公開論壇正在進行一系列實體的行動以打擊氣候變遷及全球暖化。combat v. 戰鬥;格鬥;爭鬥;打;鬥爭forum n. 公開論壇 ; 公開討論會(A) tangible adj. 有形的、可觸摸的;有實體的;明顯的/n. 實體物(B) eloquent adj. 雄辯的 ; 富於表現力的 ; 動人心弦的 ; 雄辯 ; 佞(C) culinary adj. 廚房的 ; 廚房用的 ; 烹調用的(D) irrelevant adj. 無關的 ; 不著邊際

【評論主題】10 Navigating the music industry, including its vital terminology, history, and essential industry p

【評論內容】10 Navigating the music industry, including its vital terminology, history, and essential industry practices, can be challenging for the novice, as well as the ________ professionals.對於初學者與經驗老到的專家來說,航行在音樂工業中,諸如重要的術語、歷史及必要的練習都是有挑戰性的。navigate v. 導航;引導;航行vitaladj. 至關重要的:有活力的;重要terminology n. 術語 ; 用辭 ; 術語學novice n. 新加入者;新入教者;初學者;新手;初學者professionals noun pl. 專家(A) sacred adj. 神聖的:宗教的;神聖的;崇高的(B) seasoned adj. 經驗豐富的,老到的;調味;曬(風)乾的/v. 調過味;使(木頭)風乾(C) salvaged v. 挽救;打撈(D) scattered v. 分散的 ; 散亂的 ; 零落/adj. 疏散

【評論主題】9 Rescue teams were immediately________to the region that was severely hit by the storm.(A) perceive

【評論內容】9 Rescue teams were immediately ________ to the region that was severely hit by the storm.搜救隊馬上被派出到被強烈暴風雨襲擊的區域。(A) perceived v. 察覺,注意到;認為;看待(B) diminished v. 使減少;損毀名譽;被削弱,被減少,被縮小(C) prohibited v. 使禁止;已禁止 ; 已阻止 ; 已防止/adj. 被禁止的(D) dispatched v. 派出

【評論主題】8 Compulsory auto liability insurance is________and you must buy it if you would like to drive in Ta

【評論內容】8 Compulsory auto liability insurance is ________ and you must buy it if you would like to drive in Taiwan.如果你想要在台灣騎乘,強制責任險是一定要買的。compulsory adj. 被強制的;強迫的;義務的;必修的liability n. 責任;債務;不利因素(A) beneficial adj. 有益的;有利的;慈善的;享受利益的;獲得利益的;受益的(B) considerate adj. 體諒的;體貼的(C) intentional adj. 企圖的 ; 策劃的 ; 故意的(D) obligatory adj. 義不容辭的 ; 義務的 ; 必須的

【評論主題】7 This fancy restaurant is known for its________apple desserts and tasty pastries.(A) destructive (B

【評論內容】7 This fancy restaurant is known for its ________ apple desserts and tasty pastries.這間花俏的餐廳最為人所知的是絕妙的蘋國甜點及美味糕餅。fancy v. 覺得你想體驗一把;幻想;不現實/adj. 浮華;炫耀pastries noun pl. 糕餅皮;麵粉糕餅;麵食品(A) destructive adj. 破壞的 ; 毀滅的 ; 有害的(B) hypocritical adj. 虛偽的; 偽善的(C) scrumptious adj. 美味的; 絕妙的 ; 極好的(D) explanatory adj. 解釋的 ; 說明的 ; 辯明的

【評論主題】6 In memory of his father, who died of lung cancer, Dr. Johnson________all his life to cancer resear

【評論內容】6 In memory of his father, who died of lung cancer, Dr. Johnson ________ all his life to cancer research.為了紀念他死於肺癌的父親,Johnson博士奉獻其一生投入於癌症研究。dedicated to 貢獻;奉獻於(A) distributed v. 分佈式的;分散的;分配;分發(B) deliberated v. 思量(C) dedicated v. 專用;專心的 ; 專注的(D) disclosed v. 披露

【評論主題】5 We always keep our financial records accurate and________, as this helps to inform the investors a

【評論內容】5 We always keep our financial records accurate and ________ , as this helps to inform the investors and shareholders of their investment.我們要常保財務紀錄正確與透明,才好向投資者及股東投資報告。investors noun pl. 投資者shareholders noun pl. 股東(A) characteristic adj. 特有的,獨特的(B) proficient adj.熟練的;精通的(C) transparent adj. 坦率的;光明正大的;透明的 ; 明了的 ; 簡明的 ; 率直的 ; 易被識破的 ; 透明;易懂的;明晰的(D) versatile adj. 多才多藝

【評論主題】4 Digital technology is having________effects on the way we think about the world.(A) defensive (B)

【評論內容】4 Digital technology is having ________ effects on the way we think about the world.數位科技正對於我們所想的世界有著擁有著深刻的影響。digital adj. 數位的 ; 數據 ; 數位effect n. 影響;結果 ; 效能 ; 影響(+on 作用於)(A) defensive adj. 防禦的 ; 防備用的(B) profound other 深奧的/adj. 深 ; 深奧的 ; 學識博的 ; 深謀遠慮的;深深的;深刻的(C) luxurious adj. 奢侈的 ; 豪華的 ; 華麗的(D) medieval adj. 中世紀風格的;過時的;中世紀的

【評論主題】2 The police recently purchased a piece of new technology that can quickly locate people in the deep

【評論內容】2 The police recently purchased a piece of new technology that can quickly locate people in the deepest mountain area even when bad weather ________ all the other search efforts.警察最近購買一塊新科技產物,就算是在壞天氣妨礙搜查結果的深山區域中也可以快速地定位。purchasev. 購買(A) hampers v. 阻礙,妨礙(B) hatches v. 孵化;策畫/noun pl. 艙口(C) harnesses v. 吊帶:馬俱/noun pl. 給......披上甲胄(D) harasses v. 騷擾

【評論主題】9 Whoever persistently disregards this policy will be penalized with _______associated with policyab

【評論內容】9 Whoever persistent☆☆ ...

【評論主題】50 Instead of concentrating on incentivizing short-term transactive behaviors, today’s firms focus o

【評論內容】50 Instead of concen☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】49 The transit agency has seen rampant virus infections among employees and difficulties in hiring a

【評論內容】49 The transit agenc☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】48 More than 280 people have been_______from a ferry in northwestern Greece that caught fire overnig

【評論內容】48 More than 280 peo☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】47 The weather forecast has said that there may be a temporary break before_______rain returns on Mo

【評論內容】47 The weather forec☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】46 The pandemic has_______for all parents and teachers how indispensable online learning is for educ

【評論內容】46 The pandemic has _______ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】45 We brought back a model of Taipei 101 as a_______of our trip to Taipei last month.(A) vessel (B)

【評論內容】45 We brought back a ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】44 Algonkian-speaking Native Americans greeted the Pilgrims who_______on the eastern shores of what

【評論內容】44 Algonkian-speakin☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】43 It was such a_______sight when they saw swarms of starving children seeking food on the streets.(

【評論內容】43 It was such a _______ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】42 The committee required that all the sports players undergo a_______drug test before competing in

【評論內容】42 The committee req☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】41 Collective trauma finds outlet in public_______of a community or a nation, as it seems to remembe

【評論內容】41 Collective trauma ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】40 Thanks to modern_______, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sage

【評論內容】40 Thanks to modern _______ , ☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】39 The teachers’_______methods of students’ performances produce controversial results across the co

【評論內容】39 The teachers’ _______ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】38 The islanders asserted that dumping radioactive wastes in the sea was an act of_______.(A) insani

【評論內容】38 The islanders ass☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】37 If you have a known or diagnosed allergy to a COVID-19 vaccine_______, you should not get vaccina

【評論內容】37 If you have a kno☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】36 The classroom windows should be left open so students will not feel_______.(A) bewildered (B) com

【評論內容】36 The classroom win☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】34 The deadline for voter registration is this Friday; however, if you are ill or out of the country

【評論內容】34 The deadline for ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】24 This computer program can apply different techniques to turn existing photographs into__________

【評論內容】24 This computer program can apply different techniques to turn existing photographs into__________ images, but they are far from the output of a creative artist.這個電腦程式可以提供不同技術將現存照片轉換成模仿的圖像,但其品質遠不如真作。(A) derivative a.缺乏獨創性的;模仿的/n.衍生物,派生物;派生詞His painting/style is very derivative.他的油畫/風格有很重的模仿痕跡。(B) inherited v.繼承/接手,承擔(遺留的問題等)When I took on the job of manager, I inherited certain financial problems.我擔任經理時接手了一些遺留的財務問題。(C) redundant a.多餘的,不需要的,累贅的,囉唆的/失業的,被解僱的,被裁減的To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made redundant.為了使公司生存下去,一半的僱員要被裁掉。(D) original a.起初的,原先的,最早的/原作的,真跡的,非贗品的The gardens have recently been restored to their original glory.這些園林最近恢復了原先的輝煌。

【評論主題】22 Having paid the fine of NT$10,000 for her violation of the traffic law, Jane was placed on_______

【評論內容】22 Having paid the fine of NT$10,000 for her violation of the traffic law, Jane was placed on__________ for two years.在繳交違反交通規則的一萬元罰單後,Jane獲得兩年緩刑而不用進監獄。(A) promotion n.促銷,推銷;宣傳/v.促進;推廣,宣傳/提升,晉升;升遷Obviously as sales manager he'll be very involved in the promotion and marketing of the product.很顯然地,作為業務經理,他將積極參與這項產品的宣傳和行銷。(B) probation n.緩刑/(員工的)試用期/(學生的)試讀期The judge put him on probation for two years.法官判他緩刑兩年。He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation.他在監獄裡服了一年刑,然後被處以緩刑。(C) procedure n.程式;步驟;常規You must follow correct procedure at all times.你必須隨時按照正確的步驟操作。(D) proceeding v.繼續進行,繼續做His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.他的律師已經決定不再繼續打那場官司了。

【評論主題】19 In ancient times, people thought the universe was__________ rather than heliocentric; that is, th

【評論內容】19 In ancient times, people thought the universe was__________ rather than heliocentric; that is, the earth was the center of the universe.古時候人們認為宇宙是以地球為中心的,亦即地球是中心主宰。heliocentric a.以太陽為中心的,日心的This was finally the first observable evidence of a heliocentric universe.這是第一個可觀測到的日心宇宙的證據。(A) egocentric a.自我中心的;自私自利的Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.嬰兒都是完全以自我爲中心的,他們只關心下次甚麽時候餵他們。(B) unilateral a.單邊的;單方的The party leader has actually declared her support for unilateral nuclear disarmament (= giving up her country's nuclear weapons without first waiting for other countries to do the same).該黨領導人實際上已經宣佈了她支援單方面核裁軍的決定。(C) bilateral a.雙邊的,雙方的France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.法國和德國已經簽署了一項雙邊協定,以防止毒品走私。lateral a.側面的;橫向運動的(D) geocentric a.以地球為中心的

【評論主題】18 My mother always switches to a different channel upon seeing the standard content warnings: “Thef

【評論內容】18 My mother always switches to a different channel upon seeing the standard content warnings: “The following program contains scenes that may be__________ to some viewers.”我媽在轉換頻道時看到出現警告詞「對於部分觀賞者以下節目可能包含令人不適的內容」就會轉台。(A) disturbing a.令人焦慮的,使人憂慮的;讓人心煩的The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.以下節目可能會有一些使某些觀眾感到不適的場景。turb=confuse 使混亂、turbo、troub 騷動    參考:網站、wordupdis-turb-完全地+使混亂「使完全混亂」,引申為「打擾」、「使困擾」disturb vt. 妨礙, 打擾, 擾亂, 使不安 vi. 妨礙, 打擾disturbance n. 擾亂, 混亂, 不安, 憂慮disturbed a. 混亂的, 心亂的, 心理不正常的im-per-turb-不+從頭到尾+使混亂「不使從頭到尾都處於混亂狀態」imperturbability n. 沉著, 冷靜, 缺乏熱情imperturbable a. 沈著的, 鎮靜的, 泰然自若的imperturbably ad. 沈著地, 冷靜地, 泰然地per-turb-從頭到尾+使混亂「使從頭到尾都處於混亂狀態」,後來用來指「使心情混亂」,引申為「使焦慮」、「使不安」perturb vt. 使心緒不寧, 使不安, 使混亂, 擾亂perturbation n. 心緒不寧, 不安, 煩惱, 擾亂, (天)攝動perturbative a. 使混亂的, (天)攝動的turb-ul-使混亂+詞幹延長物+名詞字尾「騷亂」、「動亂」、「亂流」turbulence n. 混亂, 動蕩, 騷亂, 紊流turbulency n. 狂暴, 動亂, 喧囂turbulent a. 狂暴的, 騷亂的, 紊亂的troub-使混亂+名詞字尾「產生小混亂」,引申為「麻煩」、「困難」,當動詞用的意思是「使煩惱」、「打擾」trouble n. 煩惱, 麻煩, 困難 vt. 使煩惱, 麻煩, 困擾 vi. 煩惱troubled a. 煩惱的, 不安的, 混亂的troublemaker n. 惹麻煩的人, 鬧事者turb-id-使混亂+形容詞字尾「混亂的」,引申為「渾濁的」、「污濁不清的」turbid a. 渾濁的, 污濁的, 混亂的, 迷惘的, 霧重的turbidimeter n. 濁度計, 濁度表turbidite n. (地質)濁流岩(B) disinteresting a.索然無味的(C) discouraging a.令人沮喪的,使人洩氣的;阻止的(D) disconnecting v.不一致,脫節

【評論主題】17 It is such a pity that the right of way of__________ is generally overlooked by cyclists.(A) podi

【評論內容】17 It is such a pity that the right of way of__________ is generally overlooked by cyclists.行人的路權被腳踏車使用者普遍忽略是非常可惜的事。cyclist n.騎腳踏車的人overlook v.眺望;(尤指)俯瞰,俯視/忽視;忽略,沒注意到/寬恕,不計較;對…視而不見I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.我認為你忽略了一個重要的事實。(A) podiatrists n.足科醫生(B) pediatricians n.小兒科醫生,小兒科專家(C) pedestals n.基座,底座In the riot, the statues were toppled from their pedestals.在暴亂中,雕像被人從底座上推了下來。(D) pedestrians n.行人,步行者The death rate for pedestrians hit by cars is unacceptably high.行人遭遇車禍的死亡率高得令人無法接受。

【評論主題】14 After months of hospitalization, the famous movie star has finally recovered from the injury and


14 After months of hospitalization, the famous movie star has finally recovered from the injury and will be officially __________ by the hospital very soon.經過數月的住院治療,這位知名的電影明星終於從傷中康復,很快地能夠被醫方允許出院。hospitalization n.送…住院治療(A) dismissed v.對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除/(尤指因做錯事)使免職,將…解職,解僱/遣散;解散/(常指法官因證據不足而)駁回,不受理Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我們還是別不假思索就把這種想法排除在外。He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因無法勝任工作而被解職。(B) discarded v.拋棄,扔掉/n.出掉的牌Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.街上到處都是被丟棄的食品包裝和瓶子。(C) discharged v.允許…離開;(尤指)允許…出院;(根據法庭決議)釋放/排放,排出(尤指廢液或廢氣)/履行(職責、義務)/清償(債務)Patients were discharged from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people.由於其他人需要床位,患者們便被允許出院了。More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years.在獲釋的犯人中有一半多在兩年內又被再次判刑。The oil that discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.排放到海裡的油對許多鳥和動物產生了嚴重的危害。The city must discharge its legal duty to house the homeless.城市當局必須依法履行其收容無家可歸者的職責。(D) dispatched v.發送;派遣/殺死,結果…的性命 n.新聞報道,電訊Two loads of cloth were dispatched to the factory on 12 December.12月12日兩車布料被發到工廠。In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我們的戰地記者克萊爾‧達根在其最新報道中說戰事正在加劇。

【評論主題】13 Beth went through every necessary training and license examination to become a__________ nurse so

【評論內容】13 Beth went through every necessary training and license examination to become a__________ nurse so that she could work in a hospital.Beth 接受每項成為護士必經的受訓與證照檢驗,使她成為具有合格證書而能夠於醫院工作的護士。(A) patented a.顯然的,顯而易見的/n.專利權"No," he replied, with patent distaste.「不,」他回答道,語氣明顯地流露出厭惡感(B) nurtured a.培養的/v.(長期)懷有,抱有Winifred nurtured ambitions for her daughter to be a surgeon.威妮弗雷德一直盼望她女兒會成為外科醫生。(C) certified a.有合格證書的;獲得資格的(D) disputed a.(尤指官方或法律的)有爭端的,有爭執的,有糾紛的The referee made a controversial decision to allow a disputed goal.裁判員做出了一個有爭議的決定,允許一個有爭論性的進球。dispute n.(尤指勞資雙方或相鄰兩國之間的)爭執,爭端,糾紛beyond (all) dispute 毫無爭議地,無可爭辯地,不容置疑地He is beyond all dispute the finest actor in Hollywood today.無可置疑,他是當今好萊塢最好的演員。in dispute 受到懷疑的I don't think her ability is in dispute - what I question is her attitude.我相信她的能力沒有問題,但我懷疑她的態度。open to dispute 不確定的,不肯定的He says it's the best musical equipment you can buy, but I think that's open to dispute.他說那是能買到的最好的音樂設備,但我認爲這種說法不一定對。

【評論主題】10 Although school cafeterias have already provided a large variety of meal options on campus, their


10 Although school cafeterias have already provided a large variety of meal options on campus, their services cannot __________ to every student’s taste.campus  n.(大學)校園,校區縱使校園內自助餐廳已提供多樣的餐點供學生選擇,他們的服務始終無法滿足每一位學生的胃口。There's accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.校園內可供約500名學生住宿。(A) relate v.找到聯繫;證明…有聯繫/講述;敍述;講/領略;認同;發生共鳴I often wake very early - I'm sure most readers over 50 can relate.我經常很早就醒了,我相信許多50歲以上的讀者會有共鳴。relate to sb/sth 涉及;與…相關;有關Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.和數學有關的任何東西對我來說都完全是天書。(B) refer v.參考refer (sb) to sth(告訴某人去)看,查閱,參考He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.他查閱歷史書來弄清法國大革命的日期。fer 攜帶,生育,承受  參考wordup 字根字首 、網站 字根群組:fer英文解釋:carry、bring

con-fer-一起+攜帶「把大家的意見帶來一起討論」,引申為「商討」、「協商」confer vt. 授與, 給予, 贈予, 帶來 vi. 協商, 商談conferee n. 參加會議者, 評議員, (學位等)領受者conference n. 會議、會談defer「離開」、「往下」+攜帶「帶離開」,引申為「延緩」,defer也是「把自己的意見帶到下面,以對方的想法為主」,引申為「順從」defer vi. 延緩;順從/推遲, 延期, 把…交給某人決定 vt. 使推遲, 使延期, 使緩期服役deference n. 順從, 服從, 尊重, 敬意deferent adj. 傳送的, 輸出的, 恭謙的, 畢恭畢敬的dif-fer-離開+攜帶「帶走」,「帶走」會產生「差異」,引此產生「不同」的意思differ vi. 不同, 相異, 不一致, 意見不同differed vbl. differ動詞的過去式、過去分詞difference n. 不同、爭論、差距in-dif-fer-否定+離開+攜帶「漠不關心」、「沒興趣的」、「一般的」indifference n. 漠不關心, 冷淡, 不重視, 無興趣indifferent adj. 漠不關心的, 不感興趣的, 無重要性的, 中立的, 平庸的, 不好的indifferentism n.冷淡主義in-fer內部+攜帶「帶入」,更具體來說infer指的是「帶入既有資料,推出結論」,引申為「推論」infer vt. 推論出, 推斷, 意味著, 表示 vi. 作推論inferable adj. 能推論的, 能推理的inference n. 推論, 推斷, 結論suf-fer-下面+攜帶「將…帶到下面承受壓力」,引申為「受苦」、「遭受」、「變糟」suffer vi. 受苦 v. 遭受sufferable adj. 可忍耐的, 可容忍的sufferance n. 忍受, 忍耐, 容忍, 容許, 默許of-fer-往+攜帶「帶往」,引申為「給予」、「提供」、「出價」offer v. 提供、提議、出價、貢獻 n. 提議offered vbl. offer動詞的過去式、過去分詞offering n. 禮物、提供offertory n. 奉獻儀式, 奉獻金, 奉獻曲pre-fer-前面+攜帶「把東西帶到前方」,引申為「較喜愛」prefer vt. 寧願preferable adj. 更好的, 更可取的, 更合意的preferably adv. 更好地, 更可取地, 更合意地preference n. 偏愛, 優先, 偏心, 喜愛物re-fer-回去+攜帶「帶回去事物的源頭」,引申為「提到」、「參考」、「涉及」refer vt. 把…提交, 把...歸因, 使求助於 vi. 提到, 查閱, 涉及referable adj. 可歸究於, 可參考的referee n. 裁判 vt. 擔任裁判 vi. 擔任裁判

(C) cater v.提供飲食;承辦(宴席)cater to sb/sth 滿足或提供(個人或團體的)願望或需求Internet shopping caters to every conceivable need.網路購物滿足了各種可以想像得到的需求。cater for sb/sth 迎合;滿足The club caters for children between the ages of four and twelve.該俱樂部適合4至12歲的兒童。(D) call v.給…取名,給…命名;稱呼/稱…為;把…看作/叫,呼喊;呼叫I'm not calling you a liar - I'm just suggesting that you misunderstood the facts of the situation.我沒說你在撒謊——我只是提醒一下,你誤解了實際情形。

【評論主題】9 In order to prove that he was not inside the house when his wife was killed last night, Jack tried

【評論內容】9 In order to prove that he was not inside the house when his wife was killed last night, Jack tried to offer an__________ .Jack為了證明妻子被殺的當晚沒有在屋內,試著提出不在場證明。(A) alibi n.(尤指沒有犯罪時間的)不在犯罪現場的證據/藉口,託辭He has a cast-iron (= very strong) alibi - he was in hospital the week of the murder.他有不在犯罪現場的鐵證——謀殺發生的那一週他在住院。(B) altitude n.海拔,海拔高度Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach higher altitudes.到了海拔較高的地方,登山者就要使用氧氣。tude 狀態 網站字根群組:-tude英文解釋:state、qualityalti-tude-altitude n. 海拔altitudinal adj. 高度的, 標高的ampli-tude-amplitude n. 廣闊, 充足apti-tude-aptitude n. 自然傾向, 習性, 資質, 才能, 恰當aptitudinal adj. 聰明的, 有傾向的assue-tude-assuetude n.習慣atti-tude-attitude n. 態度, 看法, 意見, 姿勢, 姿態, 敵視態度attitudinal adj. 態度的, 姿勢的attitudinarian n. 裝模作樣者, 裝腔作勢者attitudinarianism n. 裝模作樣, 裝腔作勢attitudinize vi. 裝腔作勢, 擺架子, 作出某種姿態vicissi-tude-vicissitude n.變化無常(C) allergy n.變應性;過敏反應;過敏性(D) alliance n.結盟國家(或團體),同盟國家(或團體)Some of us feel that the union is in alliance with management against us.我們中一些人感到工會和資方聯合起來對付我們。

【評論主題】8 The couple needs to dismiss the recent public __________ as many people thought they shouldn’t hav

【評論內容】8 The couple needs to dismiss the recent public __________ as many people thought they shouldn’t have posted their young children’s videos online.這對夫妻需要對於最近大眾指控他們不應將年幼孩子的影片上傳網路的事不予理會。dismiss v.對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除/(尤指因做錯事)使免職,將…解職,解僱/遣散;解散/(常指法官因證據不足而)駁回,不受理The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed.辯護律師請求駁回對其委託人的指控。Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我們還是別不假思索就把這種想法排除在外。He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因無法勝任工作而被解職。(A) accusation n.指控,控告;指責;譴責He glared at me with an air of accusation.他瞪著我,一臉責備的樣子。What do you say to the accusation that you are unfriendly and unhelpful?別人指責你不友善、不樂於助人,對此你有甚麼回應?(B) accountability n.負責;問責There were furious demands for greater police accountability.人們強烈要求加強對警察的問責。Accountability is important these days, and managers aren't always willing to adopt risky strategies.如今,問責很重要,管理者並不總是願意採高風險的策略。(C) accumulation n.積累;積聚;積攢Despite this accumulation of evidence, the government persisted in doing nothing.儘管種種跡象不斷出現,政府仍然堅持不採取任何行動。(D) acculturation n.涵化過程

【評論主題】7 It is hard to defuse the__________situation of uncontrolled immigration for the local government.(


7 It is hard to defuse the__________situation of uncontrolled immigration for the local government.對於地方政府而言,要平息一觸即發無法控制的移民情況是很困難的。defuse v.拆除(炸彈的)引信/緩和;平息The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.雙方將於下週會面以求緩和危機/局面/緊張局勢。(A) explosive a.易爆炸的;會爆炸的;可能引起爆炸的/(局勢)一觸即發的,爆炸性的;(情感)突然迸發的The situation in some of America's cities has become explosive.在美國一些主要城市,形勢已經到了一觸即發的地步。(B) estranged a.(夫妻)分居的/(因爲爭吵而與親戚或朋友)疏遠的,分手的It's sad to see someone estranged from their parents.看到有人與父母疏遠,真是令人悲哀。(C) invalid a.(文件、票、法律等)無效的,不合法的,官方不承認的;(觀點、論點等)站不住腳的/n.病人I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.恐怕你的駕駛執照在東歐無效。(D) ingenious a.(人)靈巧的;(物品等)製作精巧的;(方法等)巧妙的Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.強尼真是手巧——他可以用最普通的材料製作出最棒的雕塑。

【評論主題】6 In this city, you can__________ own a gun if you properly register it within ten days of purchase.


6 In this city, you can__________ own a gun if you properly register it within ten days of purchase.在此城市,如果你購買槍枝後於10天內適時登記,你即可以合法擁有槍枝。register v.(尤指把姓名)登記,註冊,記錄Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.所有外國人在到達後兩週內必須在當地警察局登記。Students have to register for the new course by the end of April.選修這門新課程的學生必須在四月底之前註冊。(A) wrongfully adv.錯誤地Many people were wrongfully denied the right to vote.許多人被錯誤地剝奪了選舉權。(B) unlawfully  adv.法律禁止地;違法地(C) legally adv.依法,按照法律地(D) partially adv.不完全、部分地The meat was only partially cooked.這塊肉沒有完全煮熟。

【評論主題】5 The __________ increase in cigarette prices was intended to save lives, but the effectiveness of h


5 The __________ increase in cigarette prices was intended to save lives, but the effectiveness of having smokers pay twice or three times more is still to be confirmed.香菸大幅度價格上漲是為了拯救生命,但是使吸菸者花費兩倍或三倍的錢的效用仍有待商確。cigarette n. 香煙 ; 煙 ; 菸intend to 打算、欲effectiveness n. 效用 ; 有效 ; 有力confirmed v. 確認;證實.../adj. 被證實的(A) simulated v. 被模擬的(B) subordinate adj. 從屬的;使……居下位:使……服從/v. 使從屬於;使處於次要地位(C) substantial adj. (數量)大量的;相當大的;堅固的;結實的(D) submissive adj. 順從的miss, mis, mit = send 送、投擲     參考:網站、wordup字根字首

ad-mit-往…+送「往…送」,引申為「承認」、「准許」admissibility n. 有入場的資格, 可容許, 可接受admissible a. 可進入的, 可容許的, 有資格就任的, 可採納的admission n. 準許進入, 入場費, 入場券, 錄用, 承認com-miss-ion-一起+送「送在一起」,引申出「委員會」的意思commission vt. 委任, 委託, 任命, 使服役 n. 委任, 委任狀, 佣金, 委員會commissionaire n. 門警commissioned a. 受委任的, 服役的pro-mise-前面+送「往前送」,語意幾經變化,引申為「答應」、「承諾」promise n./v.承諾/答應promising a.有希望的、有前途的per-mit-通過+送「將…送入」,引申為「允許」、「准許」permit v.允許、准許/n.許可證permission n.允許、許可dis-miss-「把……送走」,引申為「開除」、「解散」。把員工送走,就是「開除」;把集會的人送走,就是「解散」dismiss vt. 解散, 開除, 解職, 打消念頭dismissal n. 解雇, 免職, 解散, 打發dismissible a. 可解雇的, 可開除的, 可打發的e-mit-外面(e是ex的變體)+送「送出去」,引申為「放射」、「散發」emissary n. 密使, 特使, 間諜 a. 間諜的, 密使的emission n. 發射, 射出, 發行, 遺精, 發行額emissive a. 發射的, 放射性的inter-mit-介於…之間+送「從中送入」,打斷活動進行,引申為「暫時停止」、「中止」、「中斷」intermission n. 間歇, 停頓, 中止, 中斷, 幕間休息intermissive a. =intermitentintermit vi. 暫停, 中斷 vt. 使暫停, 使間斷o-mit-加強語氣+送「送走」,引申為「遺漏」、「刪除」omissible a. 可省略的, 可刪掉的omission n. 省略, 刪除, 遺漏, 疏忽omissive a. 省略的, 刪除的, 遺漏的omit vt. 省略, 刪除, 遺漏, 疏忽, 忘記

【評論主題】4 The woman who took four people__________ inside a gas station in the downtown area has been charge


4 The woman who took four people__________ inside a gas station in the downtown area has been charged with four counts of kidnapping.在市區的加油站內脅持4位人質的女性已經遭控訴涉入4起綁架案。downtown adj. 到鬧區 ; 鬧區的 ; 鬧區 ; 商業區 ; 市區charge v. 衝鋒攻擊;收費;為...充電;使承擔責任;委以責任;控告,指控/n. 襲擊;進攻;把...記入帳冊;電量;費charge someone with something(指控某人犯… 罪)counts v. 計算;造成影響;將...納入/noun pl. 加總的數量;(犯罪)統計數字(A) apprentice n. 徒弟 ; 學徒 ; 見習 ; 見習工 ; 初學者 ; 生手 ; 做學徒 ; 做徒弟 ; 徒(B) criminal adj. 罪的 ; 刑事上的 ; 犯了罪的 ; 有罪的 ; 罪犯 ; 犯人 ; 刑法上 ; 犯罪的 /n. 罪犯(C) employee n. 員工(D) hostage n. 人質「charge」 的意思分成四大類① 用在和金錢有關的語境中,作名詞時表示 「收取的費用,要價」,作動詞時表示 「收費」 A starter is offered to each table free of charge.(每桌免費提供一份開胃菜。)We can reserve the property for you for an additional charge.(我們可以幫你預留這個房子,但要另外收取費用。)「charge someone for something」 向某人收取某項服務或商品的費用。Can you believe it? They charged me ¥4,000 just for repairing the screen! That’s enough for me to buy a new one!(你信不信?光是修屏幕他們就收了我4000元!這都夠我買一部新手機了!)②用在談論法律、犯罪有關的語境當中,作名詞時的意思是 「控告」,作動詞的意思是 「指控、起訴」「a serious charge」 一個嚴重的指控;「a criminal charge」 一個犯罪指控。包含 「charge」 這個意思的常用表達有 「press charges against someone」 和 「bring charges against someone」 起訴、控告某人。To everyone’s surprise, the victim decided not to press charges against the offender.(令大家吃驚的是,受害者決定不起訴罪犯。)名詞 「charge」 在搭配 「face a charge of something」 中的意思也是 「指控」。用這個搭配舉一個例子:The robber is facing a charge of robbery. 這個強盜面臨搶劫的指控。③用在談論電 「electricity」 的上下文中,作名詞的意思是 「電子設備的電量」,作動詞時的意思是 「充電」「put something on charge」 或者 「leave something on charge」 的意思都是 「使設備保持充電的狀態」。Can I unplug your tablet? You’ve left it on charge for hours.(我能拔掉你的平板電腦嗎?你已經給它充電幾個小時了。)My laptop is dying. I have to charge it.(我的筆記本電腦快沒電了。我得給它充電。)④用來談論某人的職責,但在表達 「責任」 的意思時,「charge」 只能作名詞使用「be in charge of something」 負責掌管或者管理某事;「leave someone in charge」 讓某人掌管某事。I’d like to speak to the person who’s in charge of customer service.(我想和客服部門的負責人談話。)The director has left Lu in charge while she’s away.(主管不在崗時讓陸負責相關事務。)

【評論主題】3 The leader’s demonstration against the government and his__________ of the law will cost him dearl


3 The leader’s demonstration against the government and his__________ of the law will cost him dearly.這位領袖對抗政府發起的遊行及其挑戰法律的行為,將使他付出很大代價。demonstration n. 示範;遊行;證明認證dearly adv. 真誠的;非常,很(A) division n. 除;(機構的)部門;分割 ; 區分 ; 分配 ; 分類 ; 分支;分割(某物)(B) defiance n. 挑戰 ; 反抗 ; 蔑視(C) defection n. 背叛 ; 脫黨 ; 離會fact, fect, fic, fit, feat, feit, fair, fy = do, make 做 參考wordup 字根字首 、網站 

af-fect-(af-即ad-) 朝向…+做事情做了就會產生影響,因此affect有「影響」的意思affect vt. 影響、假裝affectation n. 做作, 假裝, 矯情affected adj. 受影響的, 假裝的, 做作的ef-fect-(ef-即ex-) 出來+做「做出來」,做出來代表產生影響,或者有效果,因此effect引申為「影響」、「效果」effect n. 效果、實行、特效 vt. 使發生effective adj. 有效的、生效的、事實上的effectively adv. 有效地, 有力地, 生效地, 實際上, 有戰鬥力地in-fect-裡面+做「在裡面做事」,尤指「細菌或病毒在人體內做事」,引申為「傳染」、「感染」infection n. 傳染, 影響, 傳染病, 感染infective adj. 有傳染性的, 易傳染的infectivity n. 傳染性, 易傳染, 傳染力per-fect-完全地+做「將事情完全地做到好」,引申為「完美的」、「最適當的」perfect adj. 完美的、完全的、完成式的 n. 完成式 vt. 使完美perfectibility n. 可完美性, 可改善性perfectible adj. 可完成的, 可完善的counter-feit-相對;相反+(feit=fact),做做出與正版東西相對抗的物品,引申為「仿冒品」、「贗品」counterfeit n.仿冒品,贗品de-fect-離開+做「離做出來有段距離」,引申為「缺點」、「不足之處」defect n.缺點、不足之處defective a.有缺點的、有缺陷的defectiveness n.缺乏facilitate 做+(-il即-ile) 形容詞字尾+動詞字尾「使…容易做」的意思,引申為「使容易」、「促進」facilitate v.使容易、促進facilitation n.方便、簡化、容易化facilities n.設施、設備facility n.場所、才能、天賦pro-ficient 往前+做「一直往前的」,可順利地「往前做」,引申為「精通的」proficient a.精通的proficiency n.精通、熟練suffice (suf-即sub-) 由下往上+做「由下往上做」,越做越多,引申為「足夠」、「足以」suffice v.足夠、足以sufficiency n.足夠sufficient a.足夠的

(D) deference n. 依從 ; 聽從 ; 遵從

fer 攜帶,生育,承受  參考wordup 字根字首 、網站 字根群組:fer英文解釋:carry、bring

con-fer-一起+攜帶「把大家的意見帶來一起討論」,引申為「商討」、「協商」confer vt. 授與, 給予, 贈予, 帶來 vi. 協商, 商談conferee n. 參加會議者, 評議員, (學位等)領受者conference n. 會議、會談de-fer-「離開」、「往下」+攜帶「帶離開」,引申為「延緩」,defer也是「把自己的意見帶到下面,以對方的想法為主」,引申為「順從」defer vi. 延緩;順從/推遲, 延期, 把…交給某人決定 vt. 使推遲, 使延期, 使緩期服役deference n. 順從, 服從, 尊重, 敬意deferent adj. 傳送的, 輸出的, 恭謙的, 畢恭畢敬的dif-fer-離開+攜帶「帶走」,「帶走」會產生「差異」,引此產生「不同」的意思differ vi. 不同, 相異, 不一致, 意見不同differed vbl. differ動詞的過去式、過去分詞difference n. 不同、爭論、差距in-dif-fer-否定+離開+攜帶「漠不關心」、「沒興趣的」、「一般的」indifference n. 漠不關心, 冷淡, 不重視, 無興趣indifferent adj. 漠不關心的, 不感興趣的, 無重要性的, 中立的, 平庸的, 不好的indifferentism n.冷淡主義in-fer內部+攜帶「帶入」,更具體來說infer指的是「帶入既有資料,推出結論」,引申為「推論」infer vt. 推論出, 推斷, 意味著, 表示 vi. 作推論inferable adj. 能推論的, 能推理的inference n. 推論, 推斷, 結論suf-fer-下面+攜帶「將…帶到下面承受壓力」,引申為「受苦」、「遭受」、「變糟」suffer vi. 受苦 v. 遭受sufferable adj. 可忍耐的, 可容忍的sufferance n. 忍受, 忍耐, 容忍, 容許, 默許of-fer-往+攜帶「帶往」,引申為「給予」、「提供」、「出價」offer v. 提供、提議、出價、貢獻 n. 提議offered vbl. offer動詞的過去式、過去分詞offering n. 禮物、提供offertory n. 奉獻儀式, 奉獻金, 奉獻曲pre-fer-前面+攜帶「把東西帶到前方」,引申為「較喜愛」prefer vt. 寧願preferable adj. 更好的, 更可取的, 更合意的preferably adv. 更好地, 更可取地, 更合意地preference n. 偏愛, 優先, 偏心, 喜愛物re-fer-回去+攜帶「帶回去事物的源頭」,引申為「提到」、「參考」、「涉及」refer vt. 把…提交, 把...歸因, 使求助於 vi. 提到, 查閱, 涉及referable adj. 可歸究於, 可參考的referee n. 裁判 vt. 擔任裁判 vi. 擔任裁判


【評論主題】2 He ordered two chicken sandwiches, __________ onions, and a large root beer.(A) frying (B) fried (


2 He ordered two chicken sandwiches, __________ onions, and a large root beer.他點了兩個雞肉三明治、炸洋蔥和大罐根啤。root beer 根汁啤酒(A) frying v. 油煎,油炸;曬傷(B) fried v. 炒;油炸/adj. 油炸的(C) smashing v. 搗毀;擊潰;猛擊/a. 極為成功的He looks smashing in his dinner suit.他身著晚禮服顯得十分迷人。(D) served v. (爲…)工作;(爲…)服務;發球

【評論主題】1 The film released last week was criticized for its _________ violence and nudity.(A) fugitive (B)

【評論內容】題目抓關鍵單字criticized、violence and nuditycriticized1. v. find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws“The paper criticized the new movie”synonyms:criticise, knock, pick apart2. v. act as a critic“Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either”synonyms:criticisenudity

【評論主題】46 有罪判決確定後,受判決人可以提起何種程序,尋求救濟?(A)再審 (B)上訴 (C)抗告 (D)聲明異議

【評論內容】上訴1. 對下級法院的判決不服可以上訴,...

【評論主題】2 I went to the amusement park last week and had a______.(A) blast (B) bless (C) boost (D) boast

【評論內容】have a blastTo have a very fun or exciting time (doing something).A: "So, how was the ski trip?" B: "We had a blast!"The kids are having a blast running around the beach all day.參考

【評論主題】34 The human body is made of some 50 to 100 trillion cells. Inside each cell, genes _____ a “bluepri


【評論主題】1 It was so obvious that he was just trying to butter ______his boss in order to get a raise.(A) at

【評論內容】butter upTo be nice to someone, by flattery or other means, before delivering bad news or asking for a favor.I tried to butter up my father by mowing the lawn before I asked to borrow the car.At least butter me up before you ask for money.to butter sb up/to butter up sb 巴結某人/釋出善意給某人,希望得到有利的回應You'll have to better butter her up a bit before she'll agree.(你得巴結一下她,她才會答應。)參考 參考