
14 After months of hospitalization, the famous movie star has finally recovered from the injury and will beofficially __________ by the hospital very soon.
(A) dismissed
(B) discarded
(C) discharged
(D) dispatched






【評論內容】14 After months of hospitalization, the famous movie star has finally recovered from the injury and will be officially __________ by the hospital very soon.經過數月的住院治療,這位知名的電影明星終於從傷中康復,很快地能夠被醫方允許出院。hospitalization n.送…住院治療(A) dismissed v.對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除/(尤指因做錯事)使免職,將…解職,解僱/遣散;解散/(常指法官因證據不足而)駁回,不受理Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我們還是別不假思索就把這種想法排除在外。He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因無法勝任工作而被解職。(B) discarded v.拋棄,扔掉/n.出掉的牌Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.街上到處都是被丟棄的食品包裝和瓶子。(C) discharged v.允許…離開;(尤指)允許…出院;(根據法庭決議)釋放/排放,排出(尤指廢液或廢氣)/履行(職責、義務)/清償(債務)Patients were discharged from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people.由於其他人需要床位,患者們便被允許出院了。More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years.在獲釋的犯人中有一半多在兩年內又被再次判刑。The oil that discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.排放到海裡的油對許多鳥和動物產生了嚴重的危害。The city must discharge its legal duty to house the homeless.城市當局必須依法履行其收容無家可歸者的職責。(D) dispatched v.發送;派遣/殺死,結果…的性命 n.新聞報道,電訊Two loads of cloth were dispatched to the factory on 12 December.12月12日兩車布料被發到工廠。In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我們的戰地記者克萊爾‧達根在其最新報道中說戰事正在加劇。