
15 Research has shown that patients who listen to music would need fewer medications, stay less__________ ,and be more cooperative with their caregivers.
(A) agitated
(B) lucid
(C) elated
(D) tranquil






【評論內容】15 Research has shown that patients who listen to music would need fewer medications, stay less__________, and be more cooperative with their caregivers.(A) agitated焦躁不安的,惱怒的(B) lucid清晰的,明瞭的;(人)頭腦清醒的,說話清楚(C) elated興高采烈的;喜氣洋洋的;歡欣鼓舞的(D) tranquil安靜的,平靜的;安寧的



【評論內容】15 Research has shown that patients who listen to music would need fewer medications, stay less__________ , and be more cooperative with their caregivers.研究顯示讓病人聽音樂能夠減少用藥、保持平靜及更能與護理人員合作。medication n.藥物,藥劑caregiver n.看護者,護理員(A) agitated a.焦躁不安的,惱怒的There was a long delay, and people became increasingly agitated as they waited for the train.火車延誤了很久,讓乘客越等越心焦。(B) lucid a.清晰的,明瞭的;(人)頭腦清醒的,說話清楚的She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.她清楚明瞭地講述了自己對公司未來的規劃。(C) elated a.興高采烈的;喜氣洋洋的;歡欣鼓舞的The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his daughter.據報道,王子喜得千金。(D) tranquil a.安靜的,平靜的;安寧的A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features.一陣疼痛掠過他那平時平靜的臉龐。