
13 Beth went through every necessary training and license examination to become a__________ nurse so thatshe could work in a hospital.
(A) patented
(B) nurtured
(C) certified
(D) disputed






【評論內容】13 Beth went through every necessary training and license examination to become a__________ nurse so that she could work in a hospital.Beth 接受每項成為護士必經的受訓與證照檢驗,使她成為具有合格證書而能夠於醫院工作的護士。(A) patented a.顯然的,顯而易見的/n.專利權"No," he replied, with patent distaste.「不,」他回答道,語氣明顯地流露出厭惡感(B) nurtured a.培養的/v.(長期)懷有,抱有Winifred nurtured ambitions for her daughter to be a surgeon.威妮弗雷德一直盼望她女兒會成為外科醫生。(C) certified a.有合格證書的;獲得資格的(D) disputed a.(尤指官方或法律的)有爭端的,有爭執的,有糾紛的The referee made a controversial decision to allow a disputed goal.裁判員做出了一個有爭議的決定,允許一個有爭論性的進球。dispute n.(尤指勞資雙方或相鄰兩國之間的)爭執,爭端,糾紛beyond (all) dispute 毫無爭議地,無可爭辯地,不容置疑地He is beyond all dispute the finest actor in Hollywood today.無可置疑,他是當今好萊塢最好的演員。in dispute 受到懷疑的I don't think her ability is in dispute - what I question is her attitude.我相信她的能力沒有問題,但我懷疑她的態度。open to dispute 不確定的,不肯定的He says it's the best musical equipment you can buy, but I think that's open to dispute.他說那是能買到的最好的音樂設備,但我認爲這種說法不一定對。