
9 In order to prove that he was not inside the house when his wife was killed last night, Jack tried to offeran__________ .
(A) alibi
(B) altitude
(C) allergy
(D) alliance






【評論內容】9 In order to prove that he was not inside the house when his wife was killed last night, Jack tried to offer an__________ .Jack為了證明妻子被殺的當晚沒有在屋內,試著提出不在場證明。(A) alibi n.(尤指沒有犯罪時間的)不在犯罪現場的證據/藉口,託辭He has a cast-iron (= very strong) alibi - he was in hospital the week of the murder.他有不在犯罪現場的鐵證——謀殺發生的那一週他在住院。(B) altitude n.海拔,海拔高度Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach higher altitudes.到了海拔較高的地方,登山者就要使用氧氣。tude 狀態 網站字根群組:-tude英文解釋:state、qualityalti-tude-altitude n. 海拔altitudinal adj. 高度的, 標高的ampli-tude-amplitude n. 廣闊, 充足apti-tude-aptitude n. 自然傾向, 習性, 資質, 才能, 恰當aptitudinal adj. 聰明的, 有傾向的assue-tude-assuetude n.習慣atti-tude-attitude n. 態度, 看法, 意見, 姿勢, 姿態, 敵視態度attitudinal adj. 態度的, 姿勢的attitudinarian n. 裝模作樣者, 裝腔作勢者attitudinarianism n. 裝模作樣, 裝腔作勢attitudinize vi. 裝腔作勢, 擺架子, 作出某種姿態vicissi-tude-vicissitude n.變化無常(C) allergy n.變應性;過敏反應;過敏性(D) alliance n.結盟國家(或團體),同盟國家(或團體)Some of us feel that the union is in alliance with management against us.我們中一些人感到工會和資方聯合起來對付我們。