
8 The couple needs to dismiss the recent public __________ as many people thought they shouldn’t have postedtheir young children’s videos online.
(A) accusation
(B) accountability
(C) accumulation
(D) acculturation






【評論內容】8 The couple needs to dismiss the recent public __________ as many people thought they shouldn’t have posted their young children’s videos online.這對夫妻需要對於最近大眾指控他們不應將年幼孩子的影片上傳網路的事不予理會。dismiss v.對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除/(尤指因做錯事)使免職,將…解職,解僱/遣散;解散/(常指法官因證據不足而)駁回,不受理The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed.辯護律師請求駁回對其委託人的指控。Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我們還是別不假思索就把這種想法排除在外。He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因無法勝任工作而被解職。(A) accusation n.指控,控告;指責;譴責He glared at me with an air of accusation.他瞪著我,一臉責備的樣子。What do you say to the accusation that you are unfriendly and unhelpful?別人指責你不友善、不樂於助人,對此你有甚麼回應?(B) accountability n.負責;問責There were furious demands for greater police accountability.人們強烈要求加強對警察的問責。Accountability is important these days, and managers aren't always willing to adopt risky strategies.如今,問責很重要,管理者並不總是願意採高風險的策略。(C) accumulation n.積累;積聚;積攢Despite this accumulation of evidence, the government persisted in doing nothing.儘管種種跡象不斷出現,政府仍然堅持不採取任何行動。(D) acculturation n.涵化過程