
   Orangutans(紅毛猩猩)are among the animals that humans love most. In the wild, these gentle, red-haired apes are found only in Malaysia and Indonesia, on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, where there are between 20,000 and 25,000 of them. They spend most of their lives roaming, swinging and climbing through the dense rainforests.
   Orangutans are endangered, mainly because of the destruction of their forest habitat. Besides the loss of trees, female orangutans are often killed and their young are taken and illegally sold as pets or placed in circuses and zoos. Sometimes, these young animals are rescued by the authorities and taken back to the forest, where they may spend time in a center for rehabilitating(使恢復)them, which means treating their injuries and preparing them to go back to the wild.
   One well-known orangutan rehabilitation(康復)center is at Sepilok, near the Malaysian town of Sandakan on the east coast of Borneo. Besides welcoming orphaned and injured orangutans and getting them ready for a return to forest life, the Sepilok center is a popular tourist destination. A short walk through the forest takes visitors to feeding platforms, where orangutans already returned to the forest can come for a daily meal. As well as observing the animals where they are meant to be, tourists can enjoy a variety of walks through the rainforest. They can even join guided walks at night. The Sepilok center is a great place to see how people are trying to protect an endangered species.
【題組】56.Which of the following is NOT true about orangutans, according to the passage?
(A)They have red hair.
(B)There are too many of them.
(C)They are not dangerous.
(D)They are found on two islands.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...