
10 I walked away from the village, past the amber-eyed goats, down into the great green valley wherethe river ________.
(A) manipulated
(B) managed
(C) measured
(D) meandered






【評論內容】I walked away from the village, past the amber-eyed goats, down into the great green valley where the river 河流 ___找一個跟河川有關的單字__.



【評論內容】看著past the amber-eyed goats覺得好熟悉發現居然是引用大學時讀過的“This Was the Old Chief's Country”,是關於非洲殖民時期的short stories系列之一,記得作者描述技巧很厲害,很有畫面感所以才記到現在原文:I walked away from the indifferent village, over the rise past the staring amber-eyed goats, down through the tall stately trees into the great rich green valley where the river meandered and the pigeons cooed tales of plenty and the woodpecker tapped softly.我離開冷清的村莊後向上走著,經過了目光呆滯有著琥珀色眼睛的羊群,再往下穿越高大莊嚴的樹木直到進入一座廣大的綠色山谷,那裡河流蜿蜒(meandered)...

【用戶】Hi World


【評論內容】單字題I walked away from the village, past the amber-eyed goats, down into the great green valley where the river meandered.我離開村莊,經過琥珀色眼睛的山羊,下到河流蜿蜒的綠色大河谷。(A) manipulated (v. pt., pp.) 操作;運用;操縱;對...做手腳(B) managed (adj.) 與中央化計畫及管制有關的;(v. pt., pp.) 管理;經營;處理;應付過去;成功做到;勉強度日;能夠做(C) measured (adj.) 量過的;慎重的;整齊的;有節奏的;(v. pt., pp.) 測量;配給(D) meandered (v. pt., pp.) 蜿蜒;使迂迴曲折;漫談;漫步;無目的地進行英文7000單字表:https://hiworldwelcome.blogspot.com/2021/12/7000.htm...