
請回答第 41 題至第 45 題:Even though the origin of alchemy is still controversial, most ancient scholars had the consensus that alchemy wasbased on spiritual and philosophical concepts. Those concepts certainly predated Christianity, and were, therefore,“pagan” in the eyes of the medieval church—a good reason for the alchemists of the Middle Ages to wrap their work inthe costume of metallurgy, and thereby hope to avoid being persecuted as heretics.The fundamental premise of alchemy is that there are precise correspondences between the visible and invisibleworlds, the worlds of matter and spirit, inner and outer, heaven and earth. According to the alchemical view,everything—plants, animals, minerals—contains a “seed” of divinity, and this seed can be developed through applicationof certain principles of learning. In philosophical terms, then, alchemy is the art of transforming the base metal ofignorance into the gold of wisdom, or divinity. Furthermore, according to alchemy, the material world is a reflection ofthe spiritual world, and should work according to the same principles. It should be possible, therefore, to transform thegrosser physical substances into more refined ones, or literally to transform base materials into gold.The secret of success in this latter process, however, is the secret that has eluded so many practitioners of the artthrough the ages. The most important secret ingredient in the science of alchemy is the alchemist him/herself. He or shemust have the power to attract and make use of the invisible spiritual ingredient, the “divine spark,” that brings about thedesired transformation. In other words, the alchemist must be able to “imitate the work of the gods.” 
【題組】41 According to the passage, how did the Christian church in the Middle Ages regard alchemy?






【評論內容】alchemy[ˋælkəmɪ]: 鍊金術Heretical[həˋrɛtɪk!]: 異端的



【評論內容】  Those concepts certainly predated Christianity, and were, therefore, “pagan” in the eyes of the medieval church—a good reason for the alchemists of the Middle Ages to wrap their work in the costume of metallurgy, and thereby hope to avoid being persecuted as heretics. 這些觀念當然早於基督教,因此在中世紀時是教會眼中的“異教徒”,這也是中世紀的煉金術士用冶金服裝包裝他們工作的好理由,從而希望避免像異教徒一樣被迫害。