
45 Fashion experts may preach the aesthetic qualities stilettos have on an outfit, but podiatric experts believe quite thecontrary.
(A) High-heel shoes may be good for women’s feet, but doctors think there may be some health risks with the trend.
(B) Magazine editors say that stilettos are in style, but fashion designers have already moved on.
(C) Foot specialists don’t agree with stylists who say stilettos can make many different styles of clothing look better.
(D) Footware designers don’t agree with clothing designers that stilettos are in style.






【評論內容】preach :  vt. 鼓吹    They preach peace. aesthetic : adj. 美的 ; 審美的    an aesthetic person : 有審美眼光的人 stiletto : 細高跟鞋 outfit (特別指在特殊場合穿的)全套服裝 podiatric : 【醫】(手)足醫的 contrary : adj.  相反的    His views are contrary to mine. 他的看法資料來源:BESTA



【評論內容】Foot specialists don’t agree with stylists who say stilettos can make many different styles of clothing look better. 足部專家不同意造型師所表示,穿著高跟鞋可以讓許多不同風格的服裝更好看。


