
(3)In late December 2018, the Japanese government announced that it would leave the International Whaling Commission. It would also withdraw from the treaty that bans whaling. The country will resume commercial whaling at the beginning of July. The international treaty, which was created in 1986, never totally stopped Japan from whaling. It allowed Japan to continue whaling for scientific reasons. Meat that was not used for scientific purposes was still sold. In its announcement, the Japanese government said that whaling has a long history in Japan. Whales have been used as a source of protein and for a variety of other purposes for centuries. The government also said that it would end its hunts in the Antarctic and only do whaling in its own waters. Environmental groups are unhappy about Japan’s decision. Greenpeace said the government sneaked the announcement in over the holiday to avoid news coverage. The group said the decision was “out of step with the international community.”
【題組】71. What does the passage say about the treaty?
(A) It completely stopped Japan from whaling.
(B) It banned Japan from experimenting on whales.
(C) It agreed to let Japan start whaling in July.
(D) It allowed Japan to do limited whaling.






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