
(A) possibly
(B) unlikely
(C) probably
(D) ultimately




【用戶】Ann Lu


【評論內容】However, it was unlikely that management and labor representatives could accept the result with the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. The enterprises claimed that they couldn’t accept the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage.然而,管理層和勞工代表不太可能接受最低工資上漲5.03%的結果。

【用戶】Ann Lu


【評論內容】However, it was unlikely that management and labor representatives could accept the result with the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. The enterprises claimed that they couldn’t accept the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage.然而,管理層和勞工代表不太可能接受最低工資上漲5.03%的結果。

【用戶】Ann Lu


【評論內容】However, it was unlikely that management and labor representatives could accept the result with the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. The enterprises claimed that they couldn’t accept the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage.然而,管理層和勞工代表不太可能接受最低工資上漲5.03%的結果。

【用戶】Ann Lu


【評論內容】However, it was unlikely that management and labor representatives could accept the result with the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage. The enterprises claimed that they couldn’t accept the 5.03 percent raise in the minimum wage.然而,管理層和勞工代表不太可能接受最低工資上漲5.03%的結果。