
For a long time, garlic is considered to be one of the strongest flavors that cooks can add to any dish. Many people believe it is also good for one’s health. But something makes people stay away from it: its smell! There is no doubt that garlic would be used far more widely if it didn’t smell so bad. Many people are not willing to eat it, even when they like the taste, because of the bad smell it leaves behind.    So, is there any way to get rid of that terrible smell? The answer is yes. One of the most interesting solutions is to use stainless steel (不鏽鋼). Thanks to its chemical structure, stainless steel can absorb the chemicals within garlic. What’s more, doing this actually improves the quality of the steel! Try it for yourself. If you have a garlic smell on your hands, rub them carefully along a stainless steel knife and you should find the garlic smell being taken away!    Of course, this doesn’t solve the bad breath problem. Eating parsley (荷蘭芹) is said to help with garlic breath. Therefore, parsley is often cooked with garlic.    Did you know that garlic will appear not only in your breath, but in your sweat after you’ve eaten it? This actually creates a new possibility for getting rid of the garlic smell: exercise. Exercising makes you sweat and gets garlic out of your body.    Some companies offer garlic pills which they say offer the benefits of garlic without any harm. However, it’s not clear whether the pills offer all the health advantages of real garlic.
【題組】41.According to this passage, garlic ________.
(A) is a healthy food
(B) tastes sweet as parsley
(C) makes people sweat
(D) has the same smell as parsley

