
Colors can be a tool with great power. The meanings behind different colors can influence your mind, action, and life. Therefore, when you paint your house, you should be very careful. Take the living room, for example. It’s a place where family members hang around most often, and it’s also the first place visited by friends or other guests. To make your guests feel at home, warm red­-yellow colors like peach is a good idea. Bright bold colors like green, yellow, or orange will lighten up your living room as long as they are used reasonably. The second most visited place in a house is the kitchen. White is a safe color for a kitchen if you want it to look neat. But if you want to increase your family’s or guests’ appetite, try bright colors. Avoid blue or gray because blue will spoil people’s appetite and gray surely indicates your kitchen is a boring environment. Do you want to know more about picking the right colors for your house? Please go to our official website for more information. You will be tickled pink when your colorful house is done.
【題組】46. The passage is probably _______.
(A)an advertisement of a paint company
(B)a research report about house paint color
(C)a story about colors
(D)an email from a friend asking for help

