
I can't wait to ____ my old car because it has been causing me a lot of trouble.
(A) put off
(B) get rid of
(C) count on
(D) drop out of




【用戶】Vena Chen


【評論內容】(A) put off:延遲;拖延;脫去;除去(B) get rid of:擺脫;除掉;扔掉;幹掉;消滅



【評論內容】(考片語)I can't wait to ____ my old car because it has been causing me a lot of trouble. (我迫不及待地想要擺脫我的舊車,因為它給我帶來了很多麻煩。)(A) put off 拖延。(B) get rid of 擺脫。例句:You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.  (看起來你急於想擺脫我。)(C) count on 依靠。(D) drop out of 退出,不參與。例句:The workers decided to drop out of the organization.  (工人們決定退組織。)

【用戶】Vena Chen


【評論內容】(A) put off:延遲;拖延;脫去;除去(B) get rid of:擺脫;除掉;扔掉;幹掉;消滅



【評論內容】(考片語)I can't wait to ____ my old car because it has been causing me a lot of trouble. (我迫不及待地想要擺脫我的舊車,因為它給我帶來了很多麻煩。)(A) put off 拖延。(B) get rid of 擺脫。例句:You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.  (看起來你急於想擺脫我。)(C) count on 依靠。(D) drop out of 退出,不參與。例句:The workers decided to drop out of the organization.  (工人們決定退組織。)