
(II) 下列題組請根據文意選出一個正確或最適當答案。  (35~39) A “go-bag” is a bag you pack and hope you will never need. You prepare it 35. you need to evacuate your home. Below are some tips for preparing a go-bag. 1.Buy a bog 36. is large enough to carry all the items you need, but still small enough for you tocarry easily.  2. Take a look at the items you need to put in your go-bag, and decide 37. you have to buy. For example, if you have only one pocket knife, you should buy another one just for your go-bag.  3. 38. your bag with the heaviest items first. The heaviest items should be put at the bottom of your bag to make it easier to carry.  4. Put colthes in sealed bags. This way, you can make sure your clothes stay dry if there is a flood.After packing your go-bag. Store it in a safe place 39. you can get it quickly.  

evacuate 撤離 item 物品 sealed 密封的 flood 洪水
(A) in case
(B) so that
(C) even if
(D) because of

