
             Do you know Chen Shu-chu (陳樹菊)? She is a seller of vegetables in Taiwan. She is not rich, but she donated a lot of her money to the poor children. She even helped raise money to help a school build a library. Her kind deed touched  (29)  people around the world. She was on TIME Magazine for 100 influential people of 2010  (30)  her kindness. What’s more, Chen Shu-chu is planning  (31)  a fund to help the poor with education, food and health care.     Somebody might think that they have to be rich or old enough to help others, but it’s not true. Hailey Fort, a 13-year-old girl, is another touching example.     When Hailey was 5 years old, she asked her mother to help a homeless man. She wanted to buy some food for him. Her mother said yes. But she told Hailey they could not do it all the time. They were not rich enough. However, it didn’t stop Hailey. She decided to help those in need in another way.     After helping the homeless, Hailey thought, “Why do you give one person some food when you can feed a lot more with a garden?” She started to grow vegetables for the homeless in her little garden. Hailey kept thinking about how she could do more to help more people, so she set up Hailey’s Harvest, a garden with its own Facebook page, to grow vegetables.     Hailey once said, “I think everyone should have a place to live.” And she really did something. Hailey started building the shelters for them. She also spent a lot of time  (32)  the homeless. Many years later, Hailey still gives fruit and vegetables to the homeless every week.  (33)  And, she’s also trying to raise $US1000 on her GoFundMe page.     There are many people in the world just like you and me doing their good deeds and don’t want anything in return. They are true heroes in other people’s eyes. Doing acts of kindness is not about our age or sex, it’s about a kind heart to help others in need.     How about you? What can you do to help others? Or, what did you do to make the world a better place?

(A) a thousand of
(B) a thousands
(C) thousand of
(D) thousands of






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...