
◆ 五、閱讀測驗。 【A】 Grace:What is this machine? I’ve never seen anything likethis before.  Anna:It’s a typewriter. In the past, people used it to type words if they didn’t want to write with a pen.Grace:But it looks so old that it seems to be broken at any moment. Are you going to throw it away?  Anna:Are you kidding me? It was made in the 1920s. Now it’s worth NT$200,000. Grace:Wow, that’s quite a lot.  Anna:I want to sell it, but I don’t know how to do that.  Grace:Easy. I can post the news on my Facebook wall. Then the information will be quickly passed on.Anna:Thanks. How come you’re so excited about selling it? Grace:Well, I’m short of pocket money, so maybe you can pay me NT$2,000 after you sell it. 

machine 機器 type 打字 seem 似乎worth 值……錢的 pocket money 零用錢 
【題組】1. Why did people use a typewriter in the past?
(A) They wanted to sell old things.
(B) They were short of money.
(C) They wanted to post big news on it.
(D) They wanted to write a letter without a pen.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...