
4 As a language user you may start from an innocent position, whereby you assume that others are like you andshare your _________ .
(B) intoxication
(C) dictation
(D) identification






【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) intoxication(C) dictation(D) identification 



【評論內容】原本題目:4 As a language user you may start from an innocent position, whereby you assume that others are like you andshare your _________ .(A)assumption (B)intoxication dictation (C) identification (D)修改成為4 As a language user you may start from an innocent position, whereby you assume that others are like you andshare your _________ .(A)assumption(B) intoxication(C) dictation(D) identification



【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) intoxication(C) dictation(D) identification 



【評論內容】原本題目:4 As a language user you may start from an innocent position, whereby you assume that others are like you andshare your _________ .(A)assumption (B)intoxication dictation (C) identification (D)修改成為4 As a language user you may start from an innocent position, whereby you assume that others are like you andshare your _________ .(A)assumption(B) intoxication(C) dictation(D) identification