
It is not uncommon to see this operation in today’s technology company. Reverse engineering, in computerprogramming, is a 16 used to analyze software in order to identify and understand the parts it is composed of.The usual reasons for reverse engineering are to recreate the program, to build something similar to it, to exploit itsweaknesses or 17 its defenses to make it better. Software companies with competing products reverseengineer their 18 programs in order to find out where and how improvements can be made on their ownproducts. Some companies use reverse engineering when they don’t have similar products yet, to explorepossibilities for them to create products of their own. Therefore, reverse engineering, in large part, has beenconsidered a rather 19 way for those who intend to build their own product based on an existing one to savetime and money. In the US, reverse engineering of software is accepted and often 20 by both large and smallcompanies. More importantly, it is protected by the fair use exception in copyright law
(D) technique






【評論內容】Reverse engineering 逆向工程。是一種技術過程,即對一專案標產品進行逆向分析及研究,從而演繹並得出該產品的處理流程、組織結構、功能效能規格等設計要素,以製作出功能相近,但又不完全一樣的產品。逆向工程源於商業及軍事領域中的硬體分析。其主要目的是,在不能輕易獲得必要的生產資訊下,直接從成品的分析,推匯出產品的設計原理。