
題組29~30 根據這篇對話回答問題:

Tom: Welcome! Large coffee now buy one get one free!
Amy: I’d like a cup of coffee.
Tom: No problem. A large one or a medium one?
Amy: A large one, please. By the way, could you add some milk into my coffee?
Tom: Of course. So one large latte (typing the cashier)¸ that’s $70. How would you like to pay?
Amy: Oops, how come there’s no money in my wallet? Is there any other way for me to pay?
Tom: Well, you can use your cellphone to do the mobile payment.
Amy: Thanks a lot. Here you are.And…I could get two cups of coffee latte in total that way, right?
Tom: Sorry, the sale is only on the pure coffee.
【題組】29. Which is true?
(A) “Latte” is a kind of coffee drink with fruit.
(B) A “cashier” is a machine showing the prices of products.
(C) “Wallets” are small bags mainly for keys.
(D) “Mobile payment” is a way to buy things in cash.






【評論內容】(A)fruit 改為milk(B)正確(☆)☆☆☆☆★★...