
7 The 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Japan on March, 11, 2011 _________ a huge tsunami causingwidespread damage to the country.
(B) triggered
(C) ventilated
(D) wrestled






【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) triggered(C) ventilated(D) wrestled



【評論內容】原本題目:7 The 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Japan on March, 11, 2011 _________ a huge tsunami causingwidespread damage to the country.(A)salvaged (B)triggered ventilated (C) wrestled (D)修改成為7 The 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Japan on March, 11, 2011 _________ a huge tsunami causingwidespread damage to the country.(A)salvaged (B) triggered(C) ventilated(D) wrestled



【評論內容】(B) (C) (D) 選項錯誤應為(B) triggered(C) ventilated(D) wrestled



【評論內容】原本題目:7 The 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Japan on March, 11, 2011 _________ a huge tsunami causingwidespread damage to the country.(A)salvaged (B)triggered ventilated (C) wrestled (D)修改成為7 The 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Japan on March, 11, 2011 _________ a huge tsunami causingwidespread damage to the country.(A)salvaged (B) triggered(C) ventilated(D) wrestled