
45 Officials across the country have been busying themselves with what until three or four years ago would have been an unthinkable task: persuading migrants to stay.
(A) All officials of the country have been busy with a vital task they should have done three years ago: persuading migrants to stay.
(B) Officials of the country have been busy persuading migrants to stay, which would have been unthinkable three or four years ago.
(C) Not until three or four years ago did the officials across the country think of the remarkable task: persuading migrants to stay.
(D) Officials of the country have been trying hard to ask migrants to stay, which won’t be done until three or four years from now.


統計:A(74),B(302),C(107),D(58),E(0) #


【用戶】Shi Jou



【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】Officials across the country have been busying themselves with what until three or four years ago would have been an unthinkable task: persuading migrants to stay.  全國各地的官員都忙於說服移民者留下,直到在三四年前就已經是一個難以想像的任務。would have been 與過去事實相反

【用戶】Shi Jou



【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】Officials across the country have been busying themselves with what until three or four years ago would have been an unthinkable task: persuading migrants to stay.  全國各地的官員都忙於說服移民者留下,直到在三四年前就已經是一個難以想像的任務。would have been 與過去事實相反