
Student: I think it is time that I should work harder! Teacher: How right you are! ______ I’m glad you can start to take action. 
(A)Better late than never.   
(B)A rolling stone gathers no moss. 
(C)Curiosity killed the cat. 
(D)Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.


統計:A(1266),B(144),C(19),D(57),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:need to/ought to/should/must、(過去式: burst; 過去完成式: burst; 現在進行式: bursting)


【用戶】Shih Ying Tsa


【評論內容】Better late than never 永遠不嫌晚!A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔



【評論內容】molehilln.A little mound made by the burrowing of a mole.鼴鼠丘。A small hindrance or difficulty.小障礙;小困難。片語:Make mountains out of molehills.小題大作;誇大其詞。Make a mountain out of a molehill.小題大作;誇大其詞。

【用戶】Shih Ying Tsa


【評論內容】Better late than never 永遠不嫌晚!A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔Curiosity k.....



【評論內容】molehilln.A little mound made by the burrowing of a mole.鼴鼠丘。A small hindrance or difficulty.小障礙;小困難。片語:Make mountains out of molehills.小題大作;誇大其詞。Make a mountain out of a molehill.小題大作;誇大其詞。

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】molehill翻譯:鼴鼠丘。Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.不要小題大作 這句諺語直譯是「不要把小丘當成大山」



【評論內容】molehilln.A little mound made by the burrowing of a mole.鼴鼠丘。A small hindrance or difficulty.小障礙;小困難。片語:Make mountains out of molehills.小題大作;誇大其詞。Make a mountain out of a molehill.小題大作;誇大其詞。



【評論內容】molehill翻譯:鼴鼠丘。Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.不要小題大作 這句諺語直譯是「不要把小丘當成大山」