
_______________ Because of the huge volume of clouds it generates, the Amazon system plays a major role in the way the sun’s heat is distributed around the globe. Any disturbance of this process could produce far reaching effects. Moreover, the Amazon region stores at least 75billion tons of carbon in its trees, which when the rainforests are burned spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Hence, the torching of Amazon could magnify the greenhouse effect — the trapping of heat by atmospheric CO2. Some scientists fear that the globe will begin to warm up, bringing on drastic climatic changes.
(A) The Amazon region, so-called “lungs of the world,” produces billion tons of oxygen everyyear.
(B) Scientists are concerned that burning of the Amazon rainforests could lead to climaticchaos.
(C) The globe has been warmed up gradually by the greenhouse effect.
(D) The drastic climatic changes will bring unpredictable effects to the environment.

