
Since the times of the Greeks and Romans, truffles have been used in Europe as delicacies and even as medicines. They are among the most expensive of the world’s natural foods, often commanding as much as US$250 to US$450 per pound. Truffles are actually mushrooms, but unusual ones. They live in close association with the roots of specific trees and their fruiting bodies grow underground. This is why they are difficult to find. Truffles are harvested in Europe with the aid of female pigs or truffle dogs, which are able to detect the strong smell of mature truffles underneath the surface of the ground. Female pigs are especially sensitive to the odor of the truffles because it is similar to the smell given off by male pigs. The use of pigs is risky, though, because of their natural tendency to eat any remotely edible thing. For this reason, dogs have been trained to dig into the ground wherever they find this odor, and they willingly exchange their truffle for a piece of bread and a pat on the head. Some truffle merchants dig for their prizes themselves when they see truffle flies hovering around the base of a tree. Once a site has been discovered, truffles can be collected in subsequent years. To enjoy the wonderful flavor of what has been described as an earthly jewel, you must eat fresh, uncooked specimens shortly after they have been harvested. The strength of their flavor decreases rapidly with time, and much of it is lost before some truffles reach the market. To preserve them, gourmet experts suggest putting them in closed glass jars in a refrigerator. Another recommendation is to store them whole in bland oil.
【題組】36. Why do some people prefer using dogs than pigs in search of truffles?
(A) Dogs have stronger paws to dig.
(B) Dogs usually won’t eat the truffles found.
(C) Dogs have a better sense of smell than pigs.
(D) Dogs are less likely to get excited than pigs.


統計:A(2),B(20),C(7),D(0),E(0) #