
第41至44題爲題組Ursula Sladek, with no formal business qualifications, is the head of the Schonau Power Supply (EWS). EWS is a citizen-owned co-operative that powers 120,000 homes across the country, using only sustainable energy supplies.In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion, Sladek was so much concerned so much about the radiation and the infected local wildlife that this mother of five established Parents for a Nuclear Free Future一a_ regional organization aimed at promoting alternative energy. At first, Sladek tried to persuade KWR, the original local power supplier, to invest in eco-friendly energy and南导⑴吳文help reduce reliance on the grid. A flat refusal and duty-dodge awoke her. Sladek and her group therefore created their own power-company and launched a local petition to convince the town council and the population. In 1997 when EWS had raised enough money, it bought the contract to supply Schonau, a remote town, with non-nuclear electricity.Collectively owned by 1,000 citizens, EWS generates energy only from green sources, mainly hydropower operations, solar panels, and wind turbines. To most people's surprise, keeping a clean and green conscience doesn't cost a premium. EWS customers actually pay less thanks to the consensus all the shareholders and the company president share—EWS does not aim at making profits. After paying bills and salary, all the rest income is reinvested into either research projects or technical support to the communities longing for green energy companies.Today, following the Fukushima radiation leak accident and Germany's subsequent commitment to end its reliance on nuclear power over the next decade, EWS is enjoying rocketing demand. Sladek's vision and endeavor won her the title of European winner of the 2011 Goldman Environmental Prize, often cited as the "Nobel for the environment/ in April of this year.
【題組】41.According to the above passage, what is TRUE about EWS?
(A)It provides powers for Schonau residents only.
(B)This company is owned by 1,000 Schonau residents.
(C)It was divided from KWR, another German power plant.
(D)The sources of powers EWS adopts include solar panels and gas.

