
English has many useful phrases about food. For example, you can call a bad person a “bad egg.” But, you call someone “the apple of your eye” because you love him or her very much. Besides, “having egg on your face” means you are very embarrassed. If you become too excited in a crazy way, you are “going bananas.” And if a question is too difficult to solve, then you’ll have “a hot potato” in your hand. When you are “in the soup,” you have big trouble. Also, “it’s a case of sour grapes” means you can’t have what you want. Finally, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade (aide). phrase片語 embarrassed尷尬的 solve解決 case情況lemonade檸檬水 aide助益
【題組】59. Rick took his girlfriend to a fancy restaurant. When he wanted to pay the bill, he forgot to bring money with him. Which phrase can we use in this case?
(A)Rick was a hot potato.
(B)Rick was a good egg.
(C)Rick had egg on his face.
(D)Rick was making lemonade.

