
(一)Have you heard of The Rock Monkey of Formosa? The Rock Monkey has a red face, dark hair and a long tail. We can see them jumping here and there when we go to places like Taroko(太魯閣)in Taiwan. Girl monkeys take care of their babies until they are big. They shake the trees and make loud noises to make visitors stay away from them.  In the past, they were afraid of people and just used to go around in the mountains. But today, we can see them in a small town near the mountains. They come here for food, because they are finding less and less food. Often, they come to steal food from the kitchens of people’s homes. Many people are angry at this. But the problem is not to make them stay away, but to let them have enough food. This is the purpose(目的)of the Wildlife Foundation for Rock Monkeys. More information is on our website: www.rockmonkey.com.tw.
【題組】1.Where can we see the Rock Monkey?
(A) In America.
(B) In Japan.
(C) In Taiwan.
(D) In France.

