
     Tezuka Osamu(手塚治虫)is often called the Walt Disney of Japan. The title is a bit ironic given that one of Disney’s biggest hits, The Lion King, bears a strong resemblance to Tezuka’s earlier classic, Jungle Emperor. Tezuka certainly is the father of the anime world, and his most famous works have become cultural icons in Japan.
     When Tezuka was a little boy, he loved to draw his own manga or study insects. His favorite was the osamushi (ground beetle), from which he took his pen name. Even when he was in medical school, Tezuka maintained his hobby of drawing manga. His mother encouraged him to follow the career path that most interested him, so finally he gave up his medical career. From the age of eighteen, he had had dozens of stories published in newspapers, magazines and books. His works became successful enough to get him noticed by the big publishers and his career was off to a real start.
     In order to encourage young manga writers, Tezuka published the magazine Com as a forum for them. He also worked to promote Japanese manga and anime around the world. Disney was very impressed by episodes of the Astro Boy animation, which was a hit in the U.S. in the 1960s. Hollywood once asked Tezuka to join the artistic staff of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001:A Space Odyssey but his schedule wouldn’t allow it, and the cooperation plan fell through.

【題組】61.Tezuka Osamu was inspired to adopt his pen name by ________.
(A) a cartoon
(B) an insect
(C) a movie
(D) a book






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