
【題組】 ⑷請說明必須使用 EDTA 反滴定(back titration)的三種情況。(6 分)


統計:A(746),B(155),C(184),D(213),E(3) #
個人:尚未作答書單:grin 、Achilles’ heel、Are You Sleep Enough?




【評論內容】建議修改題目為:「Batteries have always been the ____ of electric cars; we can make one that is rugged, but it’s bound to be tooheavy and bulky, and unable to store enough electricity.」電池對於電動車而言始終是一個致命的弱點;換言之,我們可以打造出一輛堅實的車種,但那無疑地會顯得相當笨重,而且作為車輛能源的電容量,也會直接面臨捉襟見肘的困境。Achilles’ heel  致命缺陷(即阿基里斯的腳踝)Midas’ touch 點石成金(指希臘羅馬神話中Midas的點金術)Minos’ labyrinth  米諾斯迷宮(指希臘羅馬神話中克里特島的Minos王,命...

【用戶】Melody Od


【評論內容】Achilles’ heel   致命缺陷(阿基里斯的腳踝)



【評論內容】原本題目:36 Batteries have always been the of electric cars; we can make one that is rugged, but it’s bound to be tooheavy and bulky, and unable to store enough electricity.(A) Achilles’ heel (B) Midas’ touch (C) Minos’ labyrinth (D) dues ex machina修改成為36 Batteries have always been the ____ of electric cars; we can make one that is rugged, but it’s bound to be tooheavy and bulky, and unable to store enough electricity.(A) Achilles’ heel (B) Midas’ touch (C) Minos’ labyrinth (D) dues ex machina...


