
The result of the careless storage and disposal of wastes is the of vectors of disease.
(A) breeding
(B) deleting
(C) polluting
(D) composing




【用戶】Yulin Chang


【評論內容】原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of  wastes is the of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing

【用戶】Weiting Wei


【評論內容】抱歉,我想原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of wastes is the of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing



【評論內容】for 2f  disease 你多了個a

【用戶】Yulin Chang


【評論內容】原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of            wastes is the of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing

【用戶】Weiting Wei


【評論內容】抱歉,我想原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of wastes is the             of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing



【評論內容】for 2f  disease   你多了個a

【用戶】Yulin Chang


【評論內容】原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of            wastes is the of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing

【用戶】Weiting Wei


【評論內容】抱歉,我想原題應該是這樣:The result of the careless storage and disposal of wastes is the             of vectors of disease. (A) breeding (B) deleting (C) polluting (D) composing



【評論內容】for 2f  disease   你多了個a