
【題組】34. Which of the following summarizes the description in the second paragraph?
(A) a shared economic sentiment
(B) the foggy market conditions
(C) a shrinking market demand
(D) a strong labor market




【用戶】Hi World


【評論內容】閱讀理解題 34. Which of the following summarizes the description in the second paragraph? 下列何者總結了第二段中的敘述第二段的前三句說明通貨膨脹一般而言會使消費者的消費意願下降,最後一句點出現在的通貨膨脹並未導致消費者支出減少,是一個矛盾的現象,選 B。(A) a shared economic sentiment 共同的經濟情緒(B) the foggy market conditions 迷霧重重的市場行情(C) a shrinking market demand 市場需求萎縮(D) a strong labor market 強勁的勞動市場中英對照第一段:點出通貨膨脹正在發生,許多人想預測未來經濟發展,但市場動態使未來難以預料。Feeling squeezed by rising prices and a higher cost of living? 感覺受到物價上漲和生活成本上漲的擠壓?If you share such a sentiment, you should find plenty company. 如果你有這種情緒,你應該能找到很多同伴。In fact, we are experiencing a tide of inflations, and the economic challenge is global in scale. 事實上,我們正在經歷通貨膨脹浪潮,而且經濟挑戰的規模是全球性的。Private investors are careful hoping to figure out the best way forward. 私人投資者正在謹慎的希望找出最好的前進方向。Professionals and economists are analyzing data trying to predict whether a recession will follow. 專業人士和經濟學家正在分析數據,試圖預測經濟衰退是否會隨之而來。Going against conventional wisdom, the market dynamics in major countries have made it challenging for professionals to read the economic tea leaves. 與傳統觀念相反,主要國家的市場動態使得專業人士難以預測經濟未來。(tea-leaf reading ph. 茶葉占卜)第二段:通貨膨漲可能導致經濟衰退,但現在市場動態是勞動市場強勁、消費者支出沒有減少,因此專家的預測偏向正向積極。        With the current inflation showing no signs of slowing down, a decline in economic activity seems quite likely. 由於目前的通貨膨脹沒有放緩的跡象,經濟活動似乎很可能會減少。That is, the rising costs of goods and services are negatively affecting consumers’ abilities to buy things. 也就是說,商品和服務成本上漲正在對消費者的購買能力產生負面影響。A decrease in consumer spending may shrink the market demand and slow economic growth, which possibly leads to fewer jobs and a decline in employment, signs of recession.  消費者支出減少可能會導致市場需求萎縮、使經濟增長放緩,這可能導致就業機會減少和就業(率)下降,出現經濟衰退的跡象。However, in reality, a strong labor market, with more jobs created and more workers hired at higher wages, and no decrease in consumer spending have directed economists to make a more positive forecast on recession.  然而,實際上,勞動力市場強勁,創造了更多的就業機會、以更高的工資僱用了更多的工人,而且消費者支出沒有減少,這些都促使經濟學家對經濟衰退做出更正向的預測。第三段:解釋現在市場動態的可能因素:消費者需求上升、供應不足、油價上漲、糧食問題。         Indeed, it is hard to interpret the conflicting signals in the ongoing foggy market conditions, a result of several complex factors. 事實上,由於幾個複雜的因素,很難解釋這個持續的迷霧市場狀態下相互矛盾的訊號。The current inflation was driven by a surge in demand of goods as countries gradually emerged from lockdowns. 隨著各國逐漸解除封鎖,商品需求激增推動了當前的通貨膨脹。On the other hand, there had been a supply shortage caused by delays and disruptions in supply chain brought by COVID-19 pandemic. 另一方面,由於 COVID-19 大流行帶來的供應鏈延誤和中斷,導致供應短缺。An increase in costs was further fueled by rising oil prices resulting from Russians’ invasion of Ukraine. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭導致油價上漲,進一步推高了成本。Finally, humankind is confronted with yet another blow, global food insecurity, due to the pandemic, war in Ukraine, and the shocking climate change, which may cause inflation to skyrocket even higher.  最後,人類面臨尚未來臨的又一次打擊:全球糧食不穩定,由於 COVID-19 大流行、烏克蘭戰爭和令人震驚的氣候變化,這可能導致通貨膨脹率進一步飆升。英文7000單字表https://hiworldwelcome.blogspot.com/2021/12/7000.html

【用戶】Hi World


【評論內容】閱讀理解題 34. Which of the following summarizes the description in the second paragraph? 下列何者總結了第二段中的敘述第二段的前三句說明通貨膨脹一般而言會使消費者的消費意願下降,最後一句點出現在的通貨膨脹並未導致消費者支出減少,是一個矛盾的現象,選 B。(A) a shared economic sentiment 共同的經濟情緒(B) the foggy market conditions 迷霧重重的市場行情(C) a shrinking market demand 市場需求萎縮(D) a strong labor market 強勁的勞動市場中英對照第一段:點出通貨膨脹正在發生,許多人想預測未來經濟發展,但市場動態使未來難以預料。Feeling squeezed by rising prices and a higher cost of living? 感覺受到物價上漲和生活成本上漲的擠壓?If you share such a sentiment, you should find plenty company. 如果你有這種情緒,你應該能找到很多同伴。In fact, we are experiencing a tide of inflations, and the economic challenge is global in scale. 事實上,我們正在經歷通貨膨脹浪潮,而且經濟挑戰的規模是全球性的。Private investors are careful hoping to figure out the best way forward. 私人投資者正在謹慎的希望找出最好的前進方向。Professionals and economists are analyzing data trying to predict whether a recession will follow. 專業人士和經濟學家正在分析數據,試圖預測經濟衰退是否會隨之而來。Going against conventional wisdom, the market dynamics in major countries have made it challenging for professionals to read the economic tea leaves. 與傳統觀念相反,主要國家的市場動態使得專業人士難以預測經濟未來。(tea-leaf reading ph. 茶葉占卜)第二段:通貨膨漲可能導致經濟衰退,但現在市場動態是勞動市場強勁、消費者支出沒有減少,因此專家的預測偏向正向積極。        With the current inflation showing no signs of slowing down, a decline in economic activity seems quite likely. 由於目前的通貨膨脹沒有放緩的跡象,經濟活動似乎很可能會減少。That is, the rising costs of goods and services are negatively affecting consumers’ abilities to buy things. 也就是說,商品和服務成本上漲正在對消費者的購買能力產生負面影響。A decrease in consumer spending may shrink the market demand and slow economic growth, which possibly leads to fewer jobs and a decline in employment, signs of recession.  消費者支出減少可能會導致市場需求萎縮、使經濟增長放緩,這可能導致就業機會減少和就業(率)下降,出現經濟衰退的跡象。However, in reality, a strong labor market, with more jobs created and more workers hired at higher wages, and no decrease in consumer spending have directed economists to make a more positive forecast on recession.  然而,實際上,勞動力市場強勁,創造了更多的就業機會、以更高的工資僱用了更多的工人,而且消費者支出沒有減少,這些都促使經濟學家對經濟衰退做出更正向的預測。第三段:解釋現在市場動態的可能因素:消費者需求上升、供應不足、油價上漲、糧食問題。         Indeed, it is hard to interpret the conflicting signals in the ongoing foggy market conditions, a result of several complex factors. 事實上,由於幾個複雜的因素,很難解釋這個持續的迷霧市場狀態下相互矛盾的訊號。The current inflation was driven by a surge in demand of goods as countries gradually emerged from lockdowns. 隨著各國逐漸解除封鎖,商品需求激增推動了當前的通貨膨脹。On the other hand, there had been a supply shortage caused by delays and disruptions in supply chain brought by COVID-19 pandemic. 另一方面,由於 COVID-19 大流行帶來的供應鏈延誤和中斷,導致供應短缺。An increase in costs was further fueled by rising oil prices resulting from Russians’ invasion of Ukraine. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭導致油價上漲,進一步推高了成本。Finally, humankind is confronted with yet another blow, global food insecurity, due to the pandemic, war in Ukraine, and the shocking climate change, which may cause inflation to skyrocket even higher.  最後,人類面臨尚未來臨的又一次打擊:全球糧食不穩定,由於 COVID-19 大流行、烏克蘭戰爭和令人震驚的氣候變化,這可能導致通貨膨脹率進一步飆升。英文7000單字表https://hiworldwelcome.blogspot.com/2021/12/7000.html