
7、 閱讀測驗:每格2分,共6分  1.  Nick eats a lot every day. He has fried chicken, a rice ball, and one can of cola for breakfast. For lunch, he eats fried chicken, pizza, and one can of cola. In the evening, he eats a plate of fried rice, fried chicken, and a can of cola. He is getting fat. His cousin, Jack, tells Nick, “You are sick. You have to see a doctor.” The doctor says, “You can’t eat that much food. Don’t eat pizza, fried chicken, or cola for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They are not good for your health. Drink more water and juice.” Nick listens to Jack and does what he says. He hopes he can lose weight and look thin.

【題組】1 Who is Jack? 
(A) He is a doctor. 
(B) He is Nick’s friend. 
(C) He is Nick’s cousin. 
(D) He is the doctor’s friend.

