
六、Si 的 SiO2 熱成長可用 Deal-Grove 模型來描述:tox2 + A tox = Bt,公式中 tox 為氧化層厚度、t 為氧化時間、A 與 B 為相關之參數。以 1000˚C 做乾氧成長時,A = 0.165 μm、B = 0.0117 μm2/hr。成長 10 小時,問 SiO2 的厚度。若 tox>>A,證明 SiO2 的成長速率與 tox 成反比,並說明其物理意義。(15 分)









【評論內容】One of the nice things about the city of Washington, D.C.(District of Columbia)哥倫比亞特區, the capital of the United States, is that it has a number of large museums博物館.People who live there can visit one of the fine national museums many times during the year.Although some exhibits are permanent永久性的, there are also many special traveling exhibits which are only shown for a short period of time.The entrance fees are not expensive, and they have special rates for groups.So if you like art, natural sciences, technology, American Indian history美國的印第安人歷史, or just want to take a w...



【評論內容】One of the nice things about the city of Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, is that it has a number of large museums.