
【題組】49. According to the passage, which of the following about megacities is TRUE?
(A) The UN Population Division attempted to reduce the size of megacities.
(B) Around the globe, there are twenty-five cities with population exceeding 10 million.
(C) A megacity can accommodate more than 10 million migrant workers.
(D) The biggest trouble need for a megacity is not having a new economic model to provide enough jobs.




【用戶】Newwang Chen



【用戶】Jing-ching Ch


【評論內容】—There are now more than 25 in total—B 選項—現在有25個城市有超過1000萬人口—當然符合現況(已經有超過25個城市人口數破1000萬)被題目拐了!"逐字解釋"當然覺得不對!

【用戶】Esther Ho


【評論內容】From next year, the UN Population Division predicts that for the first time in history, more people will live in cities than in the country, and the biggest growth will be in “megacities,” with 10 million.(大城市人口最多會超過一千萬人)The meteoric growth of megacities—there are now more than 25 in total—has brought with it huge environmental and social problems.全球已有超過25個大城市人口暴增而帶進嚴重的經濟、社會問題。

【用戶】Newwang Chen



【用戶】Jing-ching Ch


【評論內容】—There are now more than 25 in total—B 選項—現在有25個城市有超過1000萬人口—當然符合現況(已經有超過25個城市人口數破1000萬)被題目拐了!"逐字解釋"當然覺得不對!

【用戶】Esther Ho


【評論內容】From next year, the UN Population Division predicts that for the first time in history, more people will live in cities than in the country, and the biggest growth will be in “megacities,” with 10 million.(大城市人口最多會超過一千萬人)The meteoric growth of megacities—there are now more than 25 in total—has brought with it huge environmental and social problems.全球已有超過25個大城市人口暴增而帶進嚴重的經濟、社會問題。