
【題組】48 Which of the following descriptions of glaciers is true?
(A) Glaciers are the main water source for the Nile.
(B) Melting glaciers may help hydroelectric dams run at maximum power for a long time.
(C) As temperature increases, glaciers are getting built up.
(D) Melting glaciers will result in the decline of sea levels.






【評論內容】本文主旨在第一句The melting waters of the Ruwenzori Mountains feed the headwaters of the Nile. Here, for hundreds of thousands of years, people have depended on the river for basic necessities: water, transportation, farming, and fishing.因此選D



【評論內容】本文主旨在第一句The melting waters of the Ruwenzori Mountains feed the headwaters of the Nile. Here, for hundreds of thousands of years, people have depended on the river for basic necessities: water, transportation, farming, and fishing.因此選D