
(A)Now executives say they are harnessing a new Web tool, called “prediction markets.”
(B)While prediction markets are getting popularized, however, an important issue remains.
(C)The results are encouraging, and companies are placing bets on the wisdom of their workers.
(D)These markets have often been more accurate than professional pollsters or market researchers.






【評論內容】【完整文章】Corporations live and die by ideas. Many enterprises have used Web-based technologies, like blogs, wikis, and social networks to gather thoughts as part of the decision-making process. Now executives say they are harnessing a new Webntool, called “prediction markets.” They use these markets to transform thencreation and implementation of ideas inside their companies—by tapping the collective insight of the workforce. These markets have often been more accurate than professional pollsters or market researchers. Seeing the potential of prediction markets, companies like Genera...



【評論內容】Corporation社團法人/股份有限公司live and die by存亡取決於enterprise冒險精神;進取心,事業心/企業,公司web-Based就是採用非網頁式的使用者介面implementation履行;完成;成就tapp輕敲insight 洞察力,眼光innovation.革新,改革outsiders外人;門外漢wagers 賭注,賭物;賭博typically代表性地;作為特色地;典型地anonymously.不具名地;化名地[əˋnɑnəməslɪ]innovative 創新的