【評論主題】________ after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the “Sound barrier.”(A


【評論主題】15. It’s too late to return this wallet and get a refund today; the shop _____ closed by the time we


【評論主題】Choose the 'incorrect' sentence.24. (A) Steven told Wanda to send a deposit of $20,000 to

【評論內容】答案(D)應該是錯的吧。Bruce wondered how much he will spend on the trip to Europe.will應該改成過去式would才對。要表示過去的未來應該用would.

【評論主題】7. Many restaurants in Taipei have _____ a ban on smoking to protect the health of those who don’t s

【評論內容】garnish 為增加色香味而添加的配菜; 裝飾物

【評論主題】3. When you go from bright daylight into a darkened room, the pupils of your eyes _____ to compensat

【評論內容】pester 煩擾, 糾纏[(+for/with)]

【評論主題】6. In painting, it is important to always place your strongest color first; otherwise the overlappin

【評論內容】obliterate(完全)消滅;抹除=to destroy (something) completely so that nothing is left  The heavy rain obliterated all footprints.


【評論內容】行政管理學派1.代表者:費堯(Henri Fayol,1841-1925),後人稱之為「現代管理理論之父」。2.理論:著重組織之管理層面。3.研究對象:組織中上層者。4.著作:《一般管理與工業管理》(中譯本:費堯管理術)。5.將工商業分成六大類、管理功能五大類-組織、協調、領導、控制、計畫。6.十四項管理原則:專業分工、指揮統一、層級鎖鍊、權力集中、權責相當、紀律嚴明、目標一致、組織至上、酬勞合理、行事有序、公平公正、積極進取、人事安定及團隊精神。

【評論主題】1. We decided to ___ Tom for the gasoline he purchased to drive us to the party.(A) abominate (B) in

【評論內容】reimburse==to pay someone an amount of money equal to an amount that person has spent 

【評論主題】29.下列哪一個測驗屬於最大表現測驗? (A)柯氏性格量表 (B)語文性向測驗 (C)職業興趣量表(D)幼兒人格量表。



【評論內容】receipt /rɪˈsi:t/

【評論主題】一、試計算下圖由 a、b 端看入之諾頓等效電路。(25 分)


【評論主題】1.「齧」 咬:

【評論內容】原本的假設語句是:--與過去相反的假設If S + had + pp,  S + would have + pp.

【評論主題】1.折衝樽 「 ㄗㄨˇ 」

【評論內容】accentuate 強調; 使更突出

【評論主題】Most snakes eat animals_______ in proportion to their own size.(A) they are (B) large (C) that are l

【評論內容】Most snakes eat animals that are large in proportion to their own size. 這是關係代名詞的句子,that 的先行詞是animals,使用which應該也沒問題。而that 由於是主詞的關係,所以並不能省略,因此不能選(D)。至於前面的Most並不是最高級,翻成大部分應該比較貼切。Just my personal opinion. 

【評論主題】17. ____ the coming of autumn, thousands of tourists follow the Blue Ridge Trail to observe the bril

【評論內容】(A) As soon as  autumn comes,(C) When  autumn comes,....(D) arrive 改成名詞可能會好一些     With the arrival of autumn

【評論主題】The results of the research ______ hypothesis established byDr. Keat at the Graduate School of Harva

【評論內容】certify 主詞應該是要是人,而不能用事物。

【評論主題】6. 下列有關測驗信度與效度的關係的敘述,哪一個是正確的? (A)信度高,效度一定高 (B)效度高,信度一定高 (C)信度低,效度不一定低 (D)信度高,效度一定低。
