【評論主題】17. Which of the following sentence is correct? (A) Shanghai, which name means “on the sea,” is one

【評論內容】關代that前面不能有逗點, 以此當判斷指標!

【評論主題】左營舊城興建於?(A)康熙年間 (B)雍正年間 (C)乾隆年間 (D)道光年間。


康熙先左營, 後才在乾隆期間見鳳山, 所以左營就淪為舊城了!

【評論主題】民國89年至民國99年間,現在的高雄市轄區中,單位面積人口增加最多的是?(A)大寮區、三民區 (B)鳳山區、楠梓區 (C)左營區、三民區 (D)左營區、鳳山區。


地理篇p29, 30: ( 99底人口為基準) 人口最多:三民區, 人口最少: 茂林區; 人口密度最高:新興區, 人口密度最低:桃源區, 單位面積人口應就是人口密度


【評論主題】507. 下列4項,台南市不具備的生態是何者?(A)紅樹林(B)亞熱帶雨林(C)檜木林(D)疏林。


【評論主題】25、本縣「一鄉一特產」,下列為者為非?(A)甲仙~筍干 (B)田寮~竹籠 (C)大樹~鳳梨 (D)鳳山~赤山粿。


【評論主題】25、本縣「一鄉一特產」,下列為者為非?(A)甲仙~筍干 (B)田寮~竹籠 (C)大樹~鳳梨 (D)鳳山~赤山粿。








【評論主題】8. Avian influenza viruses that cause HPAI are highly ____, and mortality rates in infectedflocks of

【評論內容】cathartic [kəˈθɑrtɪk] 通便的derelict[ˈdɛrəˌlɪkt] 怠忽職守的

【評論主題】10. In the country, all citizens above twenty years of age have the right of ____, subject to aresid

【評論內容】denouement [ˌdenuˈmɑŋ]結局ramification[ˌræməfɪˈkeʃən]  衍生物, 結果, 分岔

【評論主題】9. As the shore line of the Gulf slowly receded southward and westward, the ____ at itsbottom gradua

【評論內容】sediment [ˈsɛdəmənt] 沉澱, 殘渣manifesto[ˌmænɪˈfestoʊ] 宣言, 告示, 聲明

【評論主題】7. These boys exchanged a look of ____ behind his back, gesturing a disbelief of hisfabricated story

【評論內容】derision[dɪˈrɪʒən] 嘲笑,嘲弄, 笑柄labyrinth [ˈlæbəˌrɪnθ],迷宮, 錯縱複雜, 難解的事件

【評論主題】6. Penniless and ____, Cody sinks into deep depression and self-resentment.(A) inviolable (B) contem

【評論內容】violableinviolable [ɪnˈvaɪələbəl] 不可侵犯的 contemptuous[kənˈtɛmptʃuəs]  藐視, 鄙視的

【評論主題】5. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, it is revealed that the teenage Voldemortmurdered his

【評論內容】expurgate[ˈekspərgeɪt] 刪除令人反感(不當)的部份vacillate[ˈvæsəˌlet] 搖擺, 猶豫

【評論主題】4. He appreciated the show’s ____ between serious and humorous subject matter, shown bythe witty dia

【評論內容】platitude  [ˈplætɪtu:d]    老生常談, 陳腔濫調 pinnacle  [ˈpɪnəkəl]     頂端, 頂點   

【評論主題】3. This hostel is well-received by many backpack travelers because of its excellent food,____ atmosp

【評論內容】contingent:[kənˈtɪndʒənt  取決於congenital:[kənˈdʒɛnɪtl]    天生的

【評論主題】2. While some hailed Amy Chua’s successful discipline education, some fret about theinhibition of or

【評論內容】surreptitious: 私底下的, 鬼鬼祟祟的unrelenting:   無情的, 不屈不撓的

【評論主題】3. The world’s biggest burger chain plans to restructure its globe-spanning empire, slash costs and

【評論內容】slip up : 搞錯, 弄錯, 出岔錯spring up: 跳起, 迅速成長, (非正)  突然開始

【評論主題】3. The world’s biggest burger chain plans to restructure its globe-spanning empire, slash costs and

【評論內容】slash costs: 大幅削減成本

【評論主題】8. Facebook says it will allow more websites and other online services to join its “free mobile data

【評論內容】compromise: 另一義:使自己聲譽受損, 違背某信念

【評論主題】15. In the face of sexual assault, she knew, deep down inside, that she was finished with her career

【評論內容】tarnish: 失去光澤, 沾汙conform: 遵守, 符合

【評論主題】7. Ovarian tumours _____high levels of a chemical called CA125, which is already used as a test if p

【評論內容】ovarian: 卵巢; hammer out: 捶平, 闡明, 找出, (非正式)開始演奏spew out: 噴湧出

【評論主題】5. The photographer published a photo on his personal blog and was surprised to discover three years

【評論內容】hilarious: 令人捧腹大笑, 喜不自禁; 比較: hazardous - 危險的intricate: 錯綜複雜, 難理解的; 比較: extricate- 脫困, 脫身

【評論主題】【題組】33.According to the passage, why do the scientists need DNA testing of the Procyonidae family?(A

【評論內容】Procyonidae 小熊猫种内遗传及亚种分化研究

【評論主題】V. Reading Comprehension : (每題 2 分,共 10 分) A researcher at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Scie

【評論內容】carnivore 肉食動物者, (相反詞)  herbivore 草食動物者cloud-draped 懸掛著雲的; canopy芎蒼

【評論主題】【題組】14. (A) discrimination (B) depletion (C) expedition (D) prudence

【評論內容】expedition : 考察, 遠航prudence  謹慎, 精明

【評論主題】【題組】12. (A) Besides (B) Whereas (C) On the contrary (D) In a nutshell

【評論內容】in a nutshell 總而言之

【評論主題】1. In order to assist the state’s finances, he implemented an income tax, much to the ____ ofhis sup

【評論內容】chagrin: 懊悔, 悔恨milieu:  周圍, 環境, 背景

【評論主題】1. The prime minister’s candid admission that his government had accomplished “nothing” and had been

【評論內容】candid: 率直的, 坦白的; infuriate: 激怒 , 使大怒;


【評論內容】disruptor: 干擾器  seep : 滲透


【評論內容】metabolism : 新陳代謝


【評論內容】OCPD: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder 强迫型人格障碍

【評論主題】OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, 1 , fear or

【評論內容】post-traumaticstressdisorder,PTSD ) 創傷後精神緊張障礙

【評論主題】14. Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth, _______ denied the allegations that he had sex

【評論內容】recumbently : 靠著, 躺著allegation: 指控

【評論主題】4. Those illegal manufacturers must be closed to prevent _______ fakes and unqualified products from

【評論內容】monopolized : 獨佔, 壟斷 (mono- one之義)

【評論主題】OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, 1 , fear or

【評論內容】OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder 强迫性官能症

【評論主題】13. Thousands of outraged protesters _______ in New York demanding justice. They took to the streets

【評論內容】took to the streets 走上街頭lynching : 處私刑

【評論主題】11. Oh, no. We can’t go out. The clouds and the lightning show that a storm is _____.(A) infusible (

【評論內容】rotund: 圓的, 矮而胖的, 宏亮的; delectable: 令人愉快的, 讓人喜愛的; infusible: 不熔化的

【評論主題】9. Hendrik, a 72-year-old sitting back after a festive lunch, sang _____ of the beauty of his hometo

【評論內容】luminously: 閃亮的, 發光的.  penuriously 吝嗇地,  penetratingly: 敏銳地, 透徹地

【評論主題】8. Many people do not know that the _____ of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.(A) habitat (B)

【評論內容】regimen: 生活規則, 養生法regime: 政權 (也有養生法的意思)

【評論主題】3. If people commit drunken driving, the driver's license will be ______ without any leniency.(

【評論內容】without any leniency: 決不寬貸

【評論主題】2. People can take advantage of the carpool, use recycled paper, or opt for energy-efficient electro

【評論內容】opt for N, opt to + V : 選擇;  energy-efficient : "省" 能源

【評論主題】19. Johnny rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an _______ way.(A) onerous (B)

【評論內容】analogous: 類似的,可比擬,相似的

【評論主題】12. The _______ in the newspaper shows the investor, with hair amiss, standing in a sea of money.(A)

【評論內容】mimicry 模仿,模擬;學様

【評論主題】2. The coming election is a(n) _______ on the current administration’s economic policies.(A) overton

【評論內容】Overtone 言外之意;vicissitude: 變化無常,興衰

【評論主題】11. I like things to be _______ great, but functionality also matters.(A) drearily (B) erratically (

【評論內容】Drearily 沈悶的,陰鬰的; 不規律地,不定地,怪異地

【評論主題】20. I hope President Obama will _______ support the people of Egypt, who need immediate assistance.(

【評論內容】curative:有治病效力的 , amorally 超道德的;跟道德無關

【評論主題】18. Depression is an insidious, isolating disorder, which can _______ relationships.(A) surpass (B)

【評論內容】Sojourn: 逗留 ;sabotage: 破壞,妨礙

【評論主題】17. Sony failed to detail _______ release information about their upcoming device.(A) pertinent (B)

【評論內容】但17.17. Sony failed to detail _______ release information about their upcoming device. 配上答案 pertinent,動詞在哪?又怎麼解釋?

【評論主題】6. Please tell Cindy that we already have enough food for the picnic; any more food would be _______

【評論內容】Derisive 嘲笑的,可付之一笑的

【評論主題】【題組】22. (A) which (B) what (C) where (D) when

【評論內容】為何是 where 而不是which, 不適前面有先行詞 situations?

【評論主題】27.曹公新圳是由哪一位地方人士開鑿而成?(A)陳琨 (B)吳春祿(C)鄭蘭 (D)劉伊仲。


【評論主題】9.日本總督府在哪一年將打狗改名為「高雄」?(A) 1922 (B) 1920(C)1918 (D) 1916。


【評論主題】26. For students enrolled ( A ) in professional schools, often thepath from class to career is clear

【評論內容】是不是them 改成 it, 代替前面的 path才對?  themselves 是反身代名詞, 李應該代替人 , 但前面找不到人, 而只有.. professional programs 物.

【評論主題】31. One common aspect of instruction across the first-grade classrooms was that teachers(A )suppleme

【評論內容】Yes, which was characterized 省略成 characterized 分詞

【評論主題】10. His speech was usually rambling, but this time I found it brief and ________ .(A) hapless (B) in

【評論內容】Hapless 不幸的,倒楣ㄉㄜ˙

【評論主題】6. The sermon was ________ enough to bring tears to the brash delinquent’s eyes.(A) garbled (B) poig

【評論內容】Poignant 在此翻譯成深刻的,會比較說的通吧!

【評論主題】25、本縣「一鄉一特產」,下列為者為非?(A)甲仙~筍干 (B)田寮~竹籠 (C)大樹~鳳梨 (D)鳳山~赤山粿。


【評論主題】25、本縣「一鄉一特產」,下列為者為非?(A)甲仙~筍干 (B)田寮~竹籠 (C)大樹~鳳梨 (D)鳳山~赤山粿。


【評論主題】25、本縣「一鄉一特產」,下列為者為非?(A)甲仙~筍干 (B)田寮~竹籠 (C)大樹~鳳梨 (D)鳳山~赤山粿。


【評論主題】Some knowledge of Latin, if only of the meaning of a few hundred words, is ____if one is to feel at

【評論內容】如果想要自由運用英語, 把它當作思考的工具, 那麼就要具備一些拉丁語的知識', 即便知道幾百個拉丁字的意思也是必要的!

【評論主題】民國89年至民國99年間,現在的高雄市轄區中,單位面積人口增加最多的是?(A)大寮區、三民區 (B)鳳山區、楠梓區 (C)左營區、三民區 (D)左營區、鳳山區。


地理篇p29, 30: ( 99底人口為基準) 人口最多:三民區, 人口最少: 茂林區; 人口密度最高:新興區, 人口密度最低:桃源區, 單位面積人口應就是人口密度


【評論主題】左營舊城興建於?(A)康熙年間 (B)雍正年間 (C)乾隆年間 (D)道光年間。


康熙先左營, 後才在乾隆期間見鳳山, 所以左營就淪為舊城了!

【評論主題】507. 下列4項,台南市不具備的生態是何者?(A)紅樹林(B)亞熱帶雨林(C)檜木林(D)疏林。



【評論內容】Collocation 搭配詞用法