【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) abnormal (B) formal (C) marginal (D) original


(A) abnormal 不正常的(B) formal 正式的(C) marginal 邊緣的/小的(D) original  最初的

【評論主題】下列各成語,與「前事不忘,後事之師」的意思相近的是:(A)懲前毖後 (B)瞻前顧後 (C)光前裕後 (D)忖前思後



懲前毖後  ㄔㄥˊ ㄑ|ㄢˊ ㄅ|ˋ ㄏㄡˋ 以從前的過失為教訓,戒慎不再犯錯。







【評論主題】下列各成語,與「前事不忘,後事之師」的意思相近的是:(A)懲前毖後 (B)瞻前顧後 (C)光前裕後 (D)忖前思後



懲前毖後  ㄔㄥˊ ㄑ|ㄢˊ ㄅ|ˋ ㄏㄡˋ 以從前的過失為教訓,戒慎不再犯錯。









(A)pay for 因...而受到懲罰; 為...付出代價(B)give up 放棄(C)carry on 胡鬧、大吵大鬧(D)figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白



(A)pay for 因...而受到懲罰; 為...付出代價(B)give up 放棄(C)carry on 胡鬧、大吵大鬧(D)figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白

【評論主題】28 下列文句皆與說話有關,何者闡釋正確?(A)一言興邦,一言喪邦:強調言行一致的重要(B)君子恥其言而過其行:無法表達心志的言語是無效的(C)不可與言,而與之言,失言:應掌握說話的對象與時


【評論主題】18. If you want the job you should prepare for the ______tomorrow.(A) interview (B) accident (C) exc



(B) accident tomorrow.應改為accident 

【評論主題】34.Yao Ming, an NBA player, was playing so ____ that he scored thirty-two by himself in a singlegame


(A) emotionally 感情上

(B) aggressively 侵略地;攻擊地

(C) scarcely 幾乎不

(D) mysteriously 神祕地

【評論主題】30.Yogurt is one of the most _____ foods you can eat. It is good for your teeth, bones and digestion


(A) luxurious 奢侈的(B) complicated 複雜的(C) aboriginal 原始的(D) nutritious 營養的

【評論主題】31.The audience left the building ____ when they heard the alarm.(A) permanently (B) consistently(C)


(A) permanently 永久地

(B) consistently 一貫地

(C) immediately 立即地

(D) voluntarily 志願地

【評論主題】28.Jane is tired of ____ to work by car and is going to try taking public transportation instead.(A)


(A) submitting 繳交(B) commuting 通勤(C) devoting 奉獻

(D) adapting 適應

【評論主題】26.Since there is only limited amount of oil and gas, we had better develop _____ energy as soon asp


(A) geographic  地理學的

(B) assist  支持.參加 v.

(C)spiritual 精神的

(D) solar 太陽的

【評論主題】31.The audience left the building ____ when they heard the alarm.(A) permanently (B) consistently(C)


(A) permanently 永久地

(B) consistently 一貫地

(C) immediately 立即地

(D) voluntarily 志願地

【評論主題】26.Since there is only limited amount of oil and gas, we had better develop _____ energy as soon asp


(A) geographic  地理學的

(B) assist  支持.參加 v.

(C)spiritual 精神的

(D) solar 太陽的

【評論主題】23.Stop sprinkling pepper on your soup, or it may get too _____.(A) smooth(B) spicy(C) superficial(D


(A) smooth 光滑的、平坦的(B) spicy 辣的(C) superficial表面的 (D) slippery滑的

【評論主題】35.It took the Davies’ fifteen years to complete that ____ mansion.(A) assorted(B) verified(C) reite


(A) assorted 各式各樣的(B) verified v.確認(C) reiterated v.重申、反覆講(D) palatial 富麗堂皇的 豪華的

【評論主題】29.You should always _____ your opinions politely.(A) apply(B) replace(C) interest(D) express


(A) apply 應用

(B) replace 取代

(C) interest 興趣

(D) express   表示

【評論主題】40. The boy swore that he did not break the window _____﹒ He said it was just an accident.(A) at pre


(A) at present 目前(B) with ease  不費力氣(C) on purpose  故意(D) by degrees 逐漸



(A)pay for 因...而受到懲罰; 為...付出代價(B)give up 放棄(C)carry on 胡鬧、大吵大鬧(D)figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白



(A)pay for 因...而受到懲罰; 為...付出代價(B)give up 放棄(C)carry on 胡鬧、大吵大鬧(D)figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) abnormal (B) formal (C) marginal (D) original


(A) abnormal 不正常的(B) formal 正式的(C) marginal 邊緣的/小的(D) original  最初的

【評論主題】下列各成語,與「前事不忘,後事之師」的意思相近的是:(A)懲前毖後 (B)瞻前顧後 (C)光前裕後 (D)忖前思後



懲前毖後  ㄔㄥˊ ㄑ|ㄢˊ ㄅ|ˋ ㄏㄡˋ 以從前的過失為教訓,戒慎不再犯錯。







【評論主題】33.Some people try to ___________smoking but never succeed.(A)give up(B)give over(C)give off(D)give


(A)give up 放棄(B)give over 停止(C)give off 散發(D)give in屈服



(A)pay for 因...而受到懲罰; 為...付出代價(B)give up 放棄(C)carry on 胡鬧、大吵大鬧(D)figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白



(A)Nonetheless 仍然(B)As a result 結果(C)For example 例如(D)On the contrary 相反地

【評論主題】Please _______ the whole contract and see if there are any problems.(A)cut in (B)get across (C)make


(A)cut in 插話(B)get across 使...被理解  2. (使)越過; (使)渡過(C)make up 組成(D)go over 查看