【評論主題】___________ is waiting for the bus.(A) The boy (B) The boys (C) They (D) A tiger


Q:___________ is waiting for the bus. (____正在等巴士/公車。)

S + 現在式beV(am, are, is) + Ving 現在進行式

(A) The boy  +  is

(B) The boys  + are

(C) They  + are

(D) A tiger + is (語意不符,老虎不會等公車)

【評論主題】______   is my uncle.(A) His grandma (B) Her brother (C) Miss Lin (D) His sister


Q:____ is my uncle.(___是我的伯父。)

(A) His grandma 他的奶奶(外婆)

(B) Her brother 她的哥哥

(C) Miss Lin 林小姐

(D) His sister 他的姐姐


【評論主題】(  )6.Did Joan enjoy ________ at Sandy’s birthday party?(A) ourselves (B) itself (C) himself (D) her


enjou oneself 某人感到快樂


(A) ourselves 們自己

(B) itself 它/牠自己

(C) himself 自己

(D) herself  自己

【評論主題】(  )21.The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen?(A) fair (B)


Q: The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen? (在百貨公司前面的車禍很可怕。這是如何發生的?)

(A) fair  事物

(B) direction 方向 

(C) accident 意外;事故 (car accident 車禍)

(D) factory 工廠

【評論主題】(  )32.You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America.(A) foreigners


Q: You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America. (你可以在這個城市看到越來越多的_____,大多數都是美國人。)

(A) foreigners 外國人

(B) blocks 街區

(C) gates  大門

(D) offices 辦公室

【評論主題】(  )33._________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.(A) Though (B) So (C) When (D)


Q: _________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.


(A) Though 雖然 (不合語意)

(B) So 因此;所以 (不合語意)

(C) When 當...的時候(非持續性動作片刻) + 兩者時態可不一致(例:前者可簡單式,後者可未來式→如題目)

(D) While 當...的時候(持續性動作之期間) 兩者時態需一致(例:都是過去式或是都是進行式)

【評論主題】___________ is waiting for the bus.(A) The boy (B) The boys (C) They (D) A tiger


Q:___________ is waiting for the bus. (____正在等巴士/公車。)

S + 現在式beV(am, are, is) + Ving 現在進行式

(A) The boy  +  is

(B) The boys  + are

(C) They  + are

(D) A tiger + is (語意不符,老虎不會等公車)

【評論主題】______   is my uncle.(A) His grandma (B) Her brother (C) Miss Lin (D) His sister


Q:____ is my uncle.(___是我的伯父。)

(A) His grandma 他的奶奶(外婆)

(B) Her brother 她的哥哥

(C) Miss Lin 林小姐

(D) His sister 他的姐姐


【評論主題】(  )6.Did Joan enjoy ________ at Sandy’s birthday party?(A) ourselves (B) itself (C) himself (D) her


enjou oneself 某人感到快樂


(A) ourselves 們自己

(B) itself 它/牠自己

(C) himself 自己

(D) herself  自己

【評論主題】(  )21.The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen?(A) fair (B)


Q: The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen? (在百貨公司前面的車禍很可怕。這是如何發生的?)

(A) fair  事物

(B) direction 方向 

(C) accident 意外;事故 (car accident 車禍)

(D) factory 工廠

【評論主題】(  )33._________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.(A) Though (B) So (C) When (D)


Q: _________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.


(A) Though 雖然 (不合語意)

(B) So 因此;所以 (不合語意)

(C) When 當...的時候(非持續性動作片刻) + 兩者時態可不一致(例:前者可簡單式,後者可未來式→如題目)

(D) While 當...的時候(持續性動作之期間) 兩者時態需一致(例:都是過去式或是都是進行式)

【評論主題】(  )32.You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America.(A) foreigners


Q: You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America. (你可以在這個城市看到越來越多的_____,大多數都是美國人。)

(A) foreigners 外國人

(B) blocks 街區

(C) gates  大門

(D) offices 辦公室

【評論主題】【題組】20. (A) to (B) along (C) and (D) be



【評論主題】【題組】42.How should confidential information be handled before putting in the trash? (A) It must be cu


confidential documents must be completely shredded to ensure complete destruction. 



【評論主題】【題組】49. (A) When (B) Because (C) Although (D) As


___49___ early MOOCs often emphasized open access features, such as connectivism and open licensing of content, structure, and learning goals, to promote the reuse and remixing of resources, some notable newer MOOCs use closed licenses for their course materials, while maintaining free access for students.

(A) When 當...的時候(B) Because 因為(C) Although 雖然(D) As 當


【評論主題】「煙花三月下揚州」所描述的季節與何者相同?(A)月落烏啼霜滿天,江楓漁火對愁眠 (B)孤舟蓑笠翁,獨釣寒江雪 (C)誰家玉笛暗飛聲,散入東風滿洛城 (D)四顧山光接水光,憑欄十里芰荷香。




【評論主題】___________ is waiting for the bus.(A) The boy (B) The boys (C) They (D) A tiger


Q:___________ is waiting for the bus. (____正在等巴士/公車。)

S + 現在式beV(am, are, is) + Ving 現在進行式

(A) The boy  +  is

(B) The boys  + are

(C) They  + are

(D) A tiger + is (語意不符,老虎不會等公車)

【評論主題】___________your name Bob? (A) Are (B) Is (C) What are (D) What’s


Q: ___________your name Bob?

原直述句→Your name is Bob.  (你的名字是Bob)

變成疑問句把be動詞往前移→Is your name Bob?  (你的名字是Bob嗎?)

【評論主題】______   is my uncle.(A) His grandma (B) Her brother (C) Miss Lin (D) His sister


Q:____ is my uncle.(___是我的伯父。)

(A) His grandma 他的奶奶(外婆)

(B) Her brother 她的哥哥

(C) Miss Lin 林小姐

(D) His sister 他的姐姐


【評論主題】(  )6.Did Joan enjoy ________ at Sandy’s birthday party?(A) ourselves (B) itself (C) himself (D) her


enjou oneself 某人感到快樂


(A) ourselves 我們自己

(B) itself 它/牠自己

(C) himself 他自己

(D) herself  她自己

【評論主題】(  )33._________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.(A) Though (B) So (C) When (D)


Q: _________ I save enough money, I will buy a new and big house.


(A) Though 雖然 (不合語意)

(B) So 因此;所以 (不合語意)

(C) When 當...的時候(非持續性動作片刻) + 兩者時態可不一致(例:前者可簡單式,後者可未來式→如題目)

(D) While 當...的時候(持續性動作之期間) 兩者時態需一致(例:都是過去式或是都是進行式)

【評論主題】(  )32.You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America.(A) foreigners


Q: You can see more and more ________ in this city. Most of them are from America. (你可以在這個城市看到越來越多的_____,大多數都是美國人。)

(A) foreigners 外國人

(B) blocks 街區

(C) gates  大門

(D) offices 辦公室

【評論主題】(  )21.The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen?(A) fair (B)


Q: The car ________ in front of the department store is terrible. How did it happen? (在百貨公司前面的車禍很可怕。這是如何發生的?)

(A) fair  事物

(B) direction 方向 

(C) accident 意外;事故 (car accident 車禍)

(D) factory 工廠

【評論主題】(  )29.I had Lisa ________ the dishes and ________ the floor.(A) did; mopped (B) to do; mop (C) do;


3大使役動詞: have, let, ,make

公式:S(主詞)/人名 +  have, let, ,make + O(受詞)/人名 + V


公式:S(主詞)/人名 +  help + O(受詞)/人名 + (to) + V

【評論主題】(  )17.If you have any trouble, you can ask Mr. Wang ________ you.(A) help (B) to help (C) helping (


S(主詞)/人名 + ask O1(受詞1)/人名 to help O2(受詞2)/人名 請人幫忙

結構:ask + to + V

【評論主題】(  )10.Mr. Wang has a pretty parrot. He always put it on his _______. Then he can talk to it easily.


Q: Mr. Wang has a pretty parrot. He always put it on his _______. Then he can talk to it easily. (王先生有一隻很漂亮的鸚鵡。他總是把牠放在他的__。這樣他可以很方便與牠交談。)

(A) knee  膝蓋

(B) leg  腿

(C) back  背;後面

(D) shoulder 肩膀

【評論主題】(  )35.Ellis: How much time did you ________ on your math homework? Geoffrey: About two hours.(A) us


Q:Ellis: How much time did you(人名) ________ on your math homework? Geoffrey: About two hours.

(A) use 使用

(B) cost 花錢(用事物(it)當主詞開頭)

公式:It + cost + 人(受詞) + 錢 + to + V

(C) take 花時間(用事物(it)當主詞開頭)

公式:It + take + 人(受詞) + 時間 + to + V

(D) spend 花錢/時間(用人當主詞開頭)

公式: 人 + spend + 時間/錢 + on(可省略) + Ving/N

【評論主題】(  )4.The old man watched his grandsons playing ________ on the playground.(A) happily (B) happiest 


Q:The old man watched his grandsons playing ________ on the playground. (這個老人看著他的孫子們在操場快樂地玩耍。)

(A) happily (adv.)快樂地 

(B) happiest (adj.)最快樂的(最高級)

(C) happy (adj.)快樂的(原級)

(D) happier (adj.)比較快樂的(比較級)

【評論主題】(  )32.My sister spent one hour ________ her room.(A) to do (B) doing (C) clean (D) cleaning


S+ spend + time/money + (on) + 某人花時間/金錢做某事

【評論主題】(  )62.We’re going to camp in the mountains, so don’t forget to bring your ________.(A) fishing net 


Q: We’re going to camp in the mountains, so don’t forget to bring your ________. (我們正要去山中露營,所以別忘了帶你的____.)

(A) fishing net 漁網

(B) feeding time 餵食時間 

(C) dining room 飯廳

(D) sleeping bag 睡袋

【評論主題】(  )22.I only had some      for lunch, so I’m very hungry now.(A) dolls (B) metal (C) dolphins (D) b


Q:I only had some ______for lunch, so I’m very hungry now. (我午餐只有吃些____,所以我現在非常餓。)

(A) dolls 洋娃娃

(B) metal  金屬;金屬製品

(C) dolphins  海豚

(D) bread 麵包

【評論主題】(  )49.All of my friends love(喜愛)basketball. We decide(決定)to _______ a basketball team this year.(A)


Q: All of my friends love(喜愛)basketball. We decide(決定)to _______ a basketball team this year.(我的所有朋友帶愛打籃球,所以我們決定在今年___一個籃球隊。)

(A) paint 畫

(B) form 組織

(C) bring  帶

(D) stop 阻止

【評論主題】(  )61.Nana: We’re planning to invite _________ friends to the party.Jay: Count me in. I love partie


Nana: We’re planning to invite _________ friends to the party. (我們打算邀請___朋友參加派對。)

Jay: Count me in. I love parties.(算我一份!我愛派對。)

(A) each 每一個 + 單數名詞(friend)

(B) several 好幾個的 + 複數名詞(friends)

(C) loud 大聲的

(D) straight  直的

【評論主題】(  )56.A dictionary can be a very ________ tool when you learn a new language(語言).(A) angry (B) bett


Q: A dictionary can be a very ________ tool when you learn a new language (語言). (辭(字)典可以是個非常___工具,當你學習一種新語言時。)

(A) angry 生氣的

(B) better 較好的(good的比較級[good/better/best])

(C) smart 聰明的

(D) useful 有用的

【評論主題】(  )55.Stop making ________. Don’t you know that I am studying?(A) tool (B) traps (C) noise (D) part


Q: Stop making ________. Don’t you know that I am studying? (停止製造____。你不知道我正在讀書嗎?)

(A) tool 工具

(B) traps 陷阱

(C) noise  噪音 

(D) parts  部分

【評論主題】(  )54.Advertisements(廣告)are everywhere. They are a ________ of our life.(A) net (B) part (C) trap (


Q:Advertisements(廣告)are everywhere. They are a ________ of our life.  (廣告到處可見,他們(廣告)是我們生活的一部分。)

(A) net 網子

(B) part  部分  (片語:a part of ...的一部分)

(C) trap  陷阱

(D) noise 噪音



(A) block (n.)街區;(v.)阻擋

(B) damage (n./v.)損壞

(C) follow (v.)追隨

(D) handle (v.)對待,處理



(A) block (N)街區;(V)阻塞;封鎖

(B) damage (N/V)損害;毀壞

(C) follow (V)跟隨;聽從

(D) handle (N)把柄;把手;(V)觸摸;運用;操縱

【評論主題】三、翻譯(每題5分,共10 分)【題組】1.談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁。


(A) lose 失去

(B) press 按;壓;擠

(C) raise 舉起;抬起

(D) accept  接受



(A) prepare 準備

(B) present (V.)呈現;出席;(N.)禮物

(C) repair 修理

(D) produce 製造



(A) notice 注意

(B) provide 提供

(C) save  挽救;存錢/時間

(D) spend 花錢/時間

【評論主題】【題組】10. 「ㄊㄧㄠˋ」望:


(A) allow 允許+to V

(B) enjoy  享受 +Ving

(C) complete 完成;完整的

(D) board 上(飛機);乘(船)



(A) wear (v.)穿;戴

(B) apply (v.)應用;實施

(C) design (n./v.)設計

(D) direct (v.)指示;(a.)直接的



(A) discount (n./v.)折扣

(B) fire (n.)火;(v.)開火;開除

(C) reach(v.)到達;與……取得聯繫

(D) mind (n.)頭腦;精神;(v.)介意;注意

【評論主題】50.下列何者為師生關係的社會影響因素?(A)教師的聲望地位 (B)教師的角色觀念(C)學生的家庭社經背景 (D)以上皆是


(A)"如果教師們覺得教育工作有意義,並且為社會大眾所肯定,那麼他們將會體認其工作的重要性,進而增進其服務熱忱,並樂於與學生建立良好關係。"(摘自陳奎憙 教育社會學 P189)

【評論主題】3.下列哪一項觀察紀錄敘述是正確的?(A) 小明是個聽話的小孩 (B) 曉華有壞心眼 (C) 小敏與小傑拿水潑小元 (D) 小三頑皮又貪玩。
